Patrolmen attached to the Sixth Division, 1901 Boston Police Department Yearbook. At least one of these officers, Joseph O. Hodgkins, was a striker.
Please join us on Friday, September 21, 2018, for a gathering at UMass Boston to review the progress of the 1919 Boston Police Strike Project. We invite you to bring tales of your most vexing and interesting inquiries. We’ll share research tips and tricks, field each others’ questions, and take a look at the upcoming stages of the project (reviewing, data entry, biographical profiles, website development, and culminating event planning). We’ll gather at 10 a.m. in the Archives Research Room on the 5th floor of the Healey Library on the UMass Boston campus. Coffee and light refreshments will be served.
All current volunteers are welcome, including those in the process of taking the online training course.
Directions to campus are available here, and a campus map is available here.
Kindly RSVP to bpstrike@live.umb.edu by Wednesday, September 19. We look forward to seeing you there!
The Metropolitan Waterworks Museum located in the Old High Service Water Pumping Station across from the Chestnut Hill Reservoir, interprets a few interesting photos of post-strike militia
guarding the Reservoir and being stationed in the water department stables.
Does this project investigate the role of these militia forces and the need (if any) to protect public resources?
Response link not working.
Thank you for letting us know – the link is fixed now!
Can you advise re parking?
I plan to be present
Joseph Shea
My grandfather was Lt. Detective Benjamin Alexander. Would he have been involved in this, or was it just patrolmen? Thank you!