BOSTON WRITING PROJECT SUMMER INSTITUTE: Exploring Cultural Identities Through Writing at UMASS Boston

July 9, 2018 – July 19, 2018
Mondays – Thursdays from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

This summer, the Boston Writing Project will offer a two-week summer institute in which educators will explore the themes of race, culture, gender issues, language, and the immigrant experience, as they connect to their own identities and to the teaching of writing. The institute will be designed to create a safe and brave space for teachers to explore ideas and share experiences around these themes that are central to navigating the climate of change in our educational system.

Components of the institute will include reflective writing and sharing, as well as discussion of relevant readings. In addition, twice weekly, we will conduct visits to diverse destinations in Boston to use as settings and prompts for our own writing.

The institute is open to 10 teachers of writing from all grade levels, in all subject areas, and from all types of schools. The facilitators are teachers from various schools in Massachusetts and will serve as thinking partners and co-learners with participants. Meetings will take place at UMASS Boston and in several cultural destinations throughout the greater Boston area.

Each participant will receive a stipend of $300. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to earn three graduate credits from the College of Education and Human Development at UMass Boston.

To apply online for this program, please go the Boston Project website,, or email for a link to the application.

Applications are due on April 6, 2018 by 6pm, and notifications will be received by mid-April.