Degree Diplomas Mailed Late Summer/Fall

The College of Management Graduate Programs Office would like to once again congratulate all of our recent Spring and August graduates upon having completed (or wrapping up!) their degrees.

Receiving Your Diploma in the Mail

Once final degree requirements have been verified by the Registrar’s office, degree diplomas will be sent out to print, and then mailed to the address that is on file in Wiser for each graduate.

This can actually be a lengthy process, and so you can expect to receive your diploma in the mail in either late summer (August) or early Fall (September/October) depending on your exact graduation date (May or August).

This is also a good time to log into Wiser to verify the address on file is the one you would like to have your diploma mailed to.

If you have any questions you can contact the Registrar’s Office for details.

Congrats again, and have a great summer!


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