
Welcome back returning students we hope you were able to relax over the winter break. A big welcome to our new Spring 2011 class, we hope that you will have a great experience here at UMass Boston.

A few changes occurred over the winter break. Associate Dean Michael Novak has retired and Oscar Gutierrez has taken over that role. Arthur Goldsmith is now the Associate Dean and Director of the Graduate College of Management. He may be reach via email Arthur.Goldsmith@umb.edu

Tom Patria, Career Service Specialist resigned from his position. Until we find a replacement for the College of Management, you may visit the UMB Career Services website for information and set up an appointment

Tara Shea will continue as Assistant Director but in a few weeks you will see her name changed to Tara Norton, we will update when the change takes place officially.

If you need assistance please email either Tara or Arthur Goldsmith to make an appointment.

Tara will host registration workshops for the Fall 2011 semester in March and April, dates and times TBD.