Students wait for their peers before the class starts.

Daphney gives students a synopsis of what they will be learning about today before their full lesson starts!

Lesson plan of the day from Health and Nutrition class.

Students learn about the benefits of protein.

Students get a physical sense of the portions!

Students learn how to portion their plates!

Close of up ‘Protein Recommendation’ slide!

Students learn where to find sources of protein.

Students also get to learn about calcium and dairy!

Daphney strolls around the classroom distributing material and answering questions, while Anthony helps students find words in crossword puzzle.

Students get to work! (on their crossword puzzle)

Daphney checks in with students to make sure they have their flow going!

Daphney stands in front of class and is ready to serve students some nutritious snacks!

Students get excited about the hummus after the slideshow Daphney presented!

Daphney stands in front of hummus presentation while she waits for students to get in line to be served.
What is your “go-to” power snack?