Psych350 Learning and Memory

An exploration of how humans acquire and remember new information, associations and skills with Professor Vivian Ciaramitaro

Can a Midday Nap Make You Smarter?


See original article:


  1. A related blogpost submission on the effect of napping by another student:

  2. After reading both articles I’ve learned that napping or power sleeping is very good for humans. Human are one of the spexies thats only sleep once a day and sometimes we dont get enough of it. In one of the summaries if you dont nap you actually lose 10% of your learning experience and after you nap for 90 mins you increase the learning experience by 10%. Power naps can also boost our brain functions. Naps can also improve moods, it is good for your heart, blood pressure, stress. From personal experience after I take a nap I feel refreshed and I am ready to learn and study for test.

  3. Taking midday naps are a good thing. During college, especially, students don’t get enough sleep. According to the article taking an hour and half nap can increase your learning. I’ve also heard elsewhere that twenty minute power naps are good for your day and your energy. Napping can really benefit your day and your school work. Sleeping is super important for your mind and your body.

  4. This article is very interesting because it brings in the neural parts of the brain when mentioning the use of the hippocampus. The studies so far have shown that by napping mid-day it creates better retention for later on in the day, many believe it is because of the clearing of the mind. From a personal stand point napping seems to often help me get through the day in certain situations. But with every idea there are exceptions such as some days taking a midday nap makes it hard for me to get up and keep moving and making progress in my day.

  5. I agree with this article and it is consistent for what we have been learning in class. From what we have learned from lecture and our text we know that the consolidation period for both semantic and episodic memories are at their most vulnerable at being lost during this time frame. So being able to take a nap and clear out the hippocampus just makes sense for improved memory and productivity. A number of companies such as Google have found that by letting their employees nap during the day have increased their companies productivity and morale. Google and many other companies have even created ‘nap rooms’; check out this link

    • I really liked your post, I had no idea companies now a days had nap rooms. I definitely think it’s important and necessary to have nap rooms at the work place to improve productivity. ESpecially in this society where the more you work the better and taking a rest, as the video suggests, is frowned upon or considered laziness , when it’s not true.

  6. I found this article to be very interesting and educating, before reading the article I thought taking naps wasn’t as good because, at night it would throw your sleeping schedule off and you would just wake up tired and it would become a repeated cycle.But this article has convinced me of the opposite, I defenitely like the idea of napping to enhance my learning and the article does a good job of explaining how napping can consolidate the information previously learned and enhance it in future application of the learning. This also goes back to what we learned on the brain and memory, how memories are first stored in the short term memory and as the article suggest in the hippocampus, then they have to be cosolidated in this case napping could be a way of doing it, and retrieved. Points which are all touched upon in the article, and which helped further my understnding of how memory works.

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  8. تعتبر مادة التبييض مادة فعالة جداً في قتل العفن وجراثيم المسببة للعفن، إذ يعد هيبوكلوريت الصوديوم هو المكوّن النشط في مادة التبييض، ويمكن استخدام مواد التبييض كمادة في التخلص من الرطوبة وبقع العفن في المنزل بالطريقة الآتية: خلط كوب من مادة التبييض مع لترين من الماء الدافئ. غمس فرشاة ذات شعيرات متوسطة الطول في محلول التبييض، ثمّ مسح السطح المصاب بالرطوبة أو بالعفن، مع التأكد من جفاف السطح قدر الإمكان، لأنّ الرطوبة تُعزّز نمو العفن. وضع محلول التبييض في زجاجة رذاذ صغيرة، ثمّ ترش الأماكن التي تحتوي على بقع العفن أو الرطوبة. استخدام محلول بقع العفن الموجود في الحمامات، والمطابخ، والغرف المنزلية الأخرى مع البلاط أو الأسطح غير المسامية.

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  9. يمكن تنظيف الجدران من الأعلى إلى الأسفل باستخدام المكنسة الكهربائية؛ لإزالة كافة الغبار دون التسبب بفوضى. يمكن تنظيف الألواح من البقع الداكنة من خلال رش قطعة من القماش بكمية قليلة من الماء، أو استخدام محلول تنظيف متعدّد الاستخدام. يمكن التخلّص من الغبار الموجودة على الزوايا الضيقة، والتحف، والمنحوتات باستخدام فرشاة طلاء ناعمة الملمس، أو باستخدام فرشاة المكياج، ثم مسحها باستخدام قطعة من القماش ذات ألياف دقيقة.

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  14. Exploring the benefits of a midday nap enhancing cognitive abilities is fascinating! As someone who values productivity, incorporating short naps into my routine sounds promising. Additionally, leveraging innovative platforms like
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  15. A midday nap can potentially enhance cognitive functions, leading to improved memory and better problem-solving skills. Studies suggest that even a brief nap can boost alertness and creativity. By taking time to rest during the day, individuals may find themselves more focused and energized for subsequent tasks. If you’re exploring ways to improve overall well-being, consider resources like BorderFreeHealth pharmacy online, which offers tips and products to support a healthier lifestyle, including sleep aids and wellness solutions.

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