Psych350 Learning and Memory

An exploration of how humans acquire and remember new information, associations and skills with Professor Vivian Ciaramitaro

Cryptomnesia makes us accidental plagiarists


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  1. From personal (and embarrassing) experience, I saw how this affected a friend of mine. I had previously taken a writing course the semester prior to my friend and gave them my paper as a reference for an early assignment.

    Unfortunately, they copied the concepts that I utilized in my paper and submitted it to their (and my old) professor. He recognized my style of thinking and immediately called in to question whether or not they copied another student’s paper. They defended that all the ideas came from them and no one else. I wasn’t until they complained about a low grade that I noticed that the content was nearly identical to my own.

    Would this count as source amnesia? Or would it solely be cryptomnesia?
    Granted I can’t tell if they were genuinely honestly when saying that they thought about the content themselves (cryptomnesia) or they just forgot where they heard the ideas (source amnesia.)

  2. Misattribution can be divided up into three types: Cryptomnesia, false memories, and source confusion. Its an interesting topic. I think almost everyone has had some sort of minimal cryptomensia, at least once in their life. It happens to my best friend all the time. She doesn’t have the best memory and every once in a while she’ll say something out of the blue. I’ll ask her more and she can’t recall how she knew about it but she’ll swear she just knew. That she just thought of it up. I don’t blame her though, we are constantly absorbing materials all the time and it can be confusing and you can easily forget.

  3. I believe that this Cryptomnesia happens to everyone very often in their life. I know from personal experience that a you hear a piece of gossip and you go and tell it to people including the person who told you in the first place and think that it was actually you who heard it first. Knowing that Cryptomnesia can make us plagiarize by accident depending on how good of a memory you have, the rules surrounding plagiarism should be made accordingly. Science is making so many advances that there is now apparently a good explanation why someone may unintentionally plagiarize. Of course, there are people who unfortunately do it intentionally but it is also difficult on creative minds to be cursed by their own minds because they have a good memory. In our society today, although it may be somewhat diverse, there is not enough diversity for everything that anyone creates now a days, to be completely different or not an idea they got from somewhere else. There are too many common themes and ideologies in our society for anyone to expect that originality from everyone. It is just impossible. So again, there should be some way or threshold to distinguish how original or to what extent a work is considered plagiarized.

  4. While reading this article, I immediately thought of how certain movies influenced the language that my siblings and I used during our childhood. As kids, we would often laugh about certain jokes and repeat different sayings amongst ourselves, always asserting that one of us had created that joke or saying. However, after rediscovering some of the movies we had watched between 5 and 7 when we were between 10 and 12, we realized that a good amount of these jokes or sayings had in fact come from what we had watched as young children. This example indicates that, even as young children, my siblings and I were guilty of cryptomnesia.

    One other interesting point regarding this example is my assumption of when we had likely started applying this language. In class, we learned that information in short-term memory must be maintained through active rehearsal before being transferred to long-term memory. This makes me believe that my siblings and I actually began applying these jokes and terms as soon as we had seen these movies. However, we had obviously dismissed the source very quickly and not remembered that we had done so.

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  13. Thank you for shedding light on cryptomnesia and its implications for unintentional plagiarism. It’s crucial to understand how our memories can sometimes lead to inadvertent repetition of ideas or content.
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  17. Cryptomnesia makes individuals inadvertently recall information as their own creation, leading to unintentional plagiarism. This phenomenon can occur in various creative endeavors, including writing, music composition, and art. In the realm of online gaming, such as 카지노사이트 cryptomnesia might manifest in game strategies or designs resembling others without conscious recognition. Awareness of cryptomnesia is crucial to uphold intellectual integrity and prevent inadvertent replication. Through acknowledgment and mindfulness, creators can navigate the intricate landscape of inspiration and originality more ethically and effectively.

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