Goodbye Mainland, Hello Nantucket

We have been here for a little over two weeks and are already having so many adventures. When we first got here, ReMain set up a scavenger hunt for the group and they were kind enough to give us gift certificates to some of the local businesses. We were given a tour of the island (including the marshes) and checked out Cisco brewery, where there was live music and lots of dogs.  We attended a poetry and Moby Dick reading to reach out to the community and make our faces more familiar. Riding the bike paths of the island has been one of my personal favorites. So many beautiful sights to see! Adventures and memories are still in progress.

As part of our Nantucket experience, we are doing research projects. I will be doing a study concerning the sheep used on island for land management. The sheep’s wool can tell a lot about what’s going on in the environment, like what is in the food they eat, the air they breathe, and the soil they step on. By testing their wool, I will be able to see what sort of mineral deficiencies they have, which would prevent the sheep from performing to the best of their ability (get sick, kinky wool, skin irritation). I am also testing wool that has been treated with a mineral supplement, to see if this will be sufficient in stabilizing their mineral levels for a few months. I am excited to start working with Jess Pykosz, Nantucket’s primary sheep herder.

We’ll keep you all informed of our future journeys. That’s all for now, goodbye!

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