Healey Library Hacks: Unlocking Hidden Treasures – Archival Collections Edition 


Welcome to “Healey Library Hacks: Unlocking Hidden Treasures – Archival Collections Edition!” If you’ve been wondering about what the Archives in the Healey Library has to offer students, faculty and staff, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we’ll look at a sample of some of the archival collections recommended by our library staff, using the potential needs of the School for the Environment as examples.  

Archival Collections

Visiting the Archives

The Archives Research Room is located on the fifth floor of the Healey Library.
The Archives Research Room is located on the fifth floor of the Healey Library.

The Archives Research Room is where researchers can view many of the library’s physical collections containing original historical and contemporary records, manuscripts, photographs, and other primary source materials

Digital Collections & Finding Aids 

The archival collections that have been digitized can be found on the department’s Digital Collections site. The Finding Aids for all archival collections contain extensive overviews of archival materials for easy access and browsing. 

Open Archives News

The Open Archives News site is an excellent resource for staying up to date on the latest materials and activities from the Archives.  

Thompson Island Collection  

Gleason's Pictorial: The Farm School at Thompson's Island, Boston Harbor (1852)
Gleason’s Pictorial: The Farm School at Thompson’s Island, Boston Harbor (1852)

This collection contains historical documents, maps, and records that provide insights into the environmental changes and ecosystem dynamics of Thompson Island over time.  

Boston Harbor Islands Collections

The day I climbed Boston Light
“The day I climbed Boston Light” by Clare Diminico (2005)

This Archives has a number of collections focused on the different islands around Boston Harbor.

Mass. Memories Road Show  

Volunteers and contributors at “Show ‘Em Whatcha Got” Mass. Memories Road Show: The Hip-Hop Edition” in 2018.

The Mass. Memories Road Show is a statewide, event-based participatory archiving program that collects and digitizes photographs and documents highlighting Massachusetts history. All digitized content can be found on the Digitized Collections page. 

Boston Harbor Cleanup Case: Judge Mazzone’s Papers  

This physical collection contains comprehensive documentation of legal cases and environmental disputes that took place during the Boston Harbor Clean Up.  

Boston Urban Gardeners Records   

This collection provides a rich repository of historical documents, photographs, and records documenting Boston’s urban gardening movement.  

Roadmap for Participatory Archiving (RoPA) 

Created by the Archives, this resource guides libraries and organizations through the process of creating and executing participatory archiving events.  


The Archives in the Healey Library offers a comprehensive collection of archival material for students, faculty, and staff across various content areas. This blog highlighted a sample of archival materials focused on School for the Environment: 

  • The Finding Aids and Digital Collections are valuable for environmental sciences students looking to access a wealth of historical and contemporary data, research reports, and multimedia resources. These collections support students’ understanding of environmental issues, local and global ecological changes, and historical environmental data, enhancing their research and academic projects. 
  • Students can set up appointments with archivists to find collections relevant to their research by visiting the Archives website or by emailing library.archives@umb.edu
  • The Open Archives News site is an excellent resource for staying up to date on the latest materials available in the Archives.
  • The Thompson Island Collection supports researchers by offering primary source materials that may help with studying long-term ecosystem dynamics, human impacts, and conservation efforts specific to Thompson Island. Some of the items in the collections can be found online, optimizing student accessibility. 
  • The Boston Harbor Islands Collections offer historical documents, maps, and records that provide insights into environmental changes on the islands over time. Students can focus on a particular island that is the most relevant to their research.   
  • Many of the materials in the Mass. Memories Road Show collection contain environmental themes. Students can search the digitized collections, using keywords related to environmental sciences to find materials relevant to their research. 
  • Judge Mazzone’s chambers papers contains comprehensive documentation of the legal and environmental cases that resulted in the Boston Harbor Clean Up. These papers provide firsthand insights into legal proceedings, environmental policies, and regulatory frameworks, offering students a deep understanding of historical and contemporary environmental issues. 
  • The Boston Urban Gardeners collection offers insights into sustainable urban agriculture practices, community engagement in environmental stewardship, and the evolution of green spaces within urban landscapes.  
  • The Roadmap for Participatory Archiving (or RoPA) is a valuable resource to faculty members looking for alternative ways of engaging communities for field research. This can be especially beneficial for sciences focused on community dynamics and allowing for communities to tell their own stories.

 By exploring these archival treasures recommended by our library staff, you can enhance your teaching, deepen your studies, and advance your research. We hope this guide has provided valuable insights and inspired you to make the most of the resources available at Healey Library. Happy exploring! 

Healey Library Hacks: Unlocking Hidden Treasures 


Welcome to “Healey Library Hacks: Unlocking Hidden Treasures”! If you’ve been curious about what Healey Library offers students, faculty, and staff, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we’ll discuss three notable resources, the Info for Faculty Page, Google Scholar, and the Lean Library browser extension which are designed to enrich your teaching, studies, and research journeys.

Notable Resources

Info For Faculty Page

Found on the library website, the Info for Faculty Page is useful for those looking to maximize their use of library resources. While intended for faculty, please note that some of the resources are open to everyone.

By selecting UMass Boston as your institution under “Library Links” in the Google Scholar Settings, you can get access to library-subscribed content for free.

For more help, visit our Ask a Librarian page.

Lean Library

The Lean Library browser extension provides instant access to a wide array of scholarly resources directly from your web browsers.

The Lean Library browser extension provides instant access to a wide array of scholarly resources directly from your web browsers.

Explore other blogs about Lean Library browser extension:

For even more help, visit our Lean Library Libguide or our Ask a Librarian page.


Healey Library offers a wealth of tools, applications, and curated content that can greatly benefit UMass Boston students, faculty and staff:

  • The Info for Faculty page serves as a helpful resources guide for new faculty navigating library resources while also assisting current faculty in maximizing their use of library resources.

  • Google Scholar provides access to a wide range of scholarly material. By selecting UMass Boston as your institution under “Library Links” in Settings, you can get full access to library-subscribed content for free when you search on Google Scholar.

  • The Lean Library browser extension provides instant access to library-subscribed research articles, journals, and books, facilitating efficient and up-to-date research for students and faculty without having to go onto the library website.

By exploring these free resources recommended by our library staff, you can enhance your teaching, deepen your studies, and advance your research. We hope this guide has provided valuable insights and inspired you to make the most of the resources available at Healey Library. Happy exploring!

Lean Library- How it Works

Get Lean Library

Lean Library is a browser extension that provides quick and simple access to any library-subscribed content. When you are on a website that contains library-subscribed content, your browser will notify you that library access exists. You will be provided with a “Get Access” button to authenticate your UMass Boston login. If Healey Library does not have full access, the extension will provide a link to interlibrary loan to request that item from another library.  For more information, see Healey Library’s Lean Library Research Guide: https://umb.libguides.com/leanlibrary.

How it Works

The best way to learn how to navigate Lean Library is to install it and go about your research. For an authentic experience of the ways Lean Library works through Healey Library, I am providing my own research as an example. I am currently in the process of submitting a proposal for my final project, and these are some ways Lean Library has assisted me in the process.

Get access to content we have licensed access to

If you land on content licensed by Healey Library, you will get a pop-up prompting you to authenticate to access the material.

For example, I tried visiting jstor.org. (Note that I also used my Boston Public Library eCard that I obtained as a student attending school in the state of Massachusetts!)

Find alternative access to articles and ebooks

If there is no access to the article or book through the current site, Lean Library will find alternative access in another Healey Library-licensed resource or through open access channels. For books, Lean Library will take the IBSN on a page and match it up to our holdings. This will also work with Amazon, Google, and Outlook (web)!

Here is an example of my Google search for a journal article by Nancy Bentley, “Clannishness: Jewett and Zitkala-Sa.” I copied and pasted from an annotation in a book I’m using for research into Google, and the article popped up. Though not accessible through this site, you can see that Lean Library will search in other places to find the article!

Improve your Google Scholar experience

You will notice our “Find It@UMBrella links appearing beside some full text. Run a search in Google Scholar to test it out. Here is a Google Scholar search for Religion, the Secular, and the Politics of Sexual Difference.

After clicking “Find It@UMBrella,” I received direct access to the book I was searching for.

A Convenient Link to Interlibrary Loan

If Lean Library finds the full-text version of your article isn’t available, a Request-Article pop-up will appear that will guide to make an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Request. The ILL form will automatically assign all necessary article details, no need to copy and paste!

I tested this out by trying to find full access to a plethora of articles, however it seems that the sources I am searching for are easily accessible through Healey Library. However, for an example of what it would look like, I will include an example from our LibGuide on Lean Library. They searched, A Systematic Review of Seizure-Freedom Rates in Patients with Benign Epilepsy of Childhood with Centrotemporal Spikes Receiving Antiepileptic Drugs.

Highlight & Search in UMBrella

With Lean Library, you can highlight any text on a webpage and search it in UMBrella. Do this by using the context menu of your browser, i.e., by right-clicking on a webpage. Select the Search UMBrella @ Healey Library from the option menu.

Bonus- Improved PubMed experience

Though I do not use PubMed as an English major, Lean Library provides convenient access to the article you’re wanting to access. Lean Library will look up full-text access for the article you’re interested in. Healey Library’s “Find It” links will appear on the records for the articles. Test this out by going to pubmed.gov and looking up an article. For example, try searching for the article Mass coral bleaching causes biotic homogenization of reef fish assemblages.

I am an English MA student at UMass Boston, and Lean Library has cut my research time back immensely. While the resources I have been directed to as a student have been crucial to my research process, I’ve learned that Lean Library is supplemental to it and finds articles in places I didn’t even think to check.

For more information and to download the Lean Library browser plugin, go to https://umb.libguides.com/leanlibrary.

Healey Library Announces Transformative Agreement with Wiley

Healey Library is pleased to announce a three-year transformative agreement with Wiley, a well-established global publisher of journals with a focus on the sciences. While the new agreement continues to provide traditional read access to all 1,500+ Wiley journals, as of January 1, 2024, it also allows open access publication in Wiley journals for University of Massachusetts Boston authors at no cost to the authors.

UMB faculty who are interested in learning about the Wiley OA process are invited to register for a Wiley UMB author workshop on April 2, 2024. After registering, you will receive an email with information about the session and a join link for that day. Those who register and attend will receive a certificate of attendance and a link to a recording of the session after the training. Those who register but are unable to join will receive a link to the recording as well.

Register for the workshop using the link below: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8393409420347195994

How does this publishing agreement work?

Authors whose articles are accepted in Wiley’s Gold Open Access or Hybrid Open Access journals will be given an option to make their article open access during their submission process. This option is available for current faculty and graduate students who are the corresponding authors on an article. A current University of Massachusetts Boston email address must be used for the submission. This agreement also covers some Hindawi journals; please check before submitting your article.

How many articles are covered in the agreement?

We have an allotment of 24 open access articles per year for 2024. The allotment will go up to 25 per year for 2025 and 2026. This number is based on our average annual Wiley article output for the campus. The number of open access articles, however, has been a much smaller subset of this total—over the last two years, we have averaged 7 open access articles. There is a possibility that the number of articles submitted for the open access option could surpass our allotment near the end of the calendar year. Corresponding authors would be notified that we have reached our limit for the year; in that case, please reach out to the library to discuss the next allotment cycle start date.

Which journals are included in the agreement?

The complete list of Wiley gold and hybrid journal titles can be found on their website: https://authorservices.wiley.com/open-research/open-access/browse-journals.html.

Hindawi titles can be found on the Hindawi website: https://www.hindawi.com/journals/.

Why should you choose to publish Open Access?

The open access model makes research available to a larger audience, since open articles do not require a subscription and are not hidden behind paywalls. A recent study in the journal Scientometrics argues that open access articles receive more citations and also reach a wider range of researchers from less homogenous locations https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11192-023-04894-0.

One example of an an open access article that has positively impacted download rates can be seen below. This letter titled “Thermodynamic speed limits for mechanical work” by UMB authors Erez Aghion and Jason R. Green in the Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical has 809 downloads since February 2023.

We can also see that the article has been cited 3 times, which is considered an above average amount for the length of time since publication.

screenshot of citation details for IOP articles

The authors took advantage of a two-year transformative agreement that Healey Library has with the Institute of Physics that allows UMB corresponding authors to publish open access with no fee. The article can be found in the Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical online : https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1751-8121/acb5d6.

Another example comes from UMB author Mine Ertugrul. Dr. Etrugrul was the corresponding author for the article “Corporate Patenting, Customer Capital, and Financial Market Outcomes”, published in the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. Any UMB faculty, staff or student who is the corresponding author can publish open access in Cambridge University Press journals without paying an APC. The article has 614 downloads and 2 citations since publication.

Dr. Ertugrul said “(O)pen access has been a great opportunity to increase access to our research and the publication process with Cambridge University Press was very smooth. Thank you to everyone involved in creating this opportunity for UMass Boston researchers”.

The article can be found on the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis web page: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-financial-and-quantitative-analysis/article/corporate-patenting-customer-capital-and-financial-market-outcomes/8114349E2CC295C3163A5E97A52A7D64?

What other publishers does Healey Library have agreements with?

For a full list of Healey Library’s publisher agreements, visit our guide: https://umb.libguides.com/apc/publish/apc.

Have questions? Contact Christine Moynihan, Scholarly Communications, Data, and Affordable Learning Librarian at Christine.Moynihan@umb.edu

Why The Boston Public Library is Underrated

It’s true, sometimes we tend to over-romanticize college and forget about our academic obligations. But suddenly, it is midterm season, and it is time to “lock in” on your five-page essay or naively try to cram-study your professor’s biology slides the day before an exam. Which now puts us here, regretting choosing our “mental health” over attending our 8 a.m. class.  

The Healey Library respects your endeavors and struggles as a student. We want the best for your scholarly intentions and goals at UMass Boston. Often, a loud dormitory or your pestering parents’ house is not the best setting to conquer your coursework. Sometimes, we crave the quiet and gratifying environment of a library to motivate our productivity. That, along with an iced coffee, a pair of noise-canceling headphones, chill-music, aaand we’re back to romanticizing.  

However, the Boston Public Library has more than an attractive environment. It is filled with bountiful resources, benefits, events, and opportunities to help you be more confident in a classroom. Here are a few things I appreciate about the BPL.

NOTE! Its important to note that the eCard is available to only those who live, reside part-time to attend school, own property, or work in Massachusetts.

For physical cards, you would need to apply at the circulation desk in any BPL location. You also need to come with picture ID and proof of Massachusetts residency. For more information visit https://www.bpl.org/get-a-library-card

1) Long-term Free Loan of Chromebook Laptops

The library provides free Wi-Fi access for all and runs a short-term and long-term laptop loaning service! Going to college without a personal computer can be impossible. However, thanks to the Emergency Connectivity Fund, the library allows for the personal and academic use of a Chromebook and home Internet via home Wi-Fi routers.  

Additionally, the BPL also provides free computer and technology classes to make the setup process a bit easier! 

Click the link to see eligibility FAQs and other useful information: https://www.bpl.org/long-term-lending/

2) Free English Fluency ESOL Courses

If English is not your first language, take advantage of the free English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) programs for adult learners! The program offers online, and in-person facilitated classes. 

There are multiple course levels and styles including Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, small group tutoring, and volunteer-led Conversation Groups. 

For more information about upcoming events and registration go to https://www.bpl.org/esol/ 

3) Get Test Prep and Homework Help Digitally 

Need help studying? Through the LearningExpress Library, you can have FREE access to thousands of test preparation materials and practice exams! These resources include college courses and career certification tests. 

Go to https://www.bpl.org/learning-tools/test-prep/ for more information! 

4) Adaptive Computer Station Software and Accessories for Disability Awareness 

The BPL cares about inclusivity and is aware of the obstacles that may come across individuals with certain disabilities. That’s why several of their program rooms are equipped with adaptive computer accessories and software! The list of tools includes; Windows Ease of Access capabilities, Duxbury Braille, Translator Braille Printer Juliet, and Kurzweil 3000. 

Go to https://www.bpl.org/accessibility-at-the-boston-public-library/ for more information about the adaptive computer station. 

5) App To E-Download Any Book on a Digital Device 

Got a job? Busy running errands? Or simply, no available commute? No problem! Recently, the BPL launched their new To-Go mobile app that allows access to their collection without stepping foot into the library. Like the “To Go Program,” which allows patrons to place holds, pick up, and return items such as books, CDs, and DVDs, the app makes ordering items for pick-up even easier! 

The app is currently available to download on the App Store, and Google Play. Go check it out! Go to, https://www.bpl.org/news/bpl-launches-new-bpl-to-go-mobile-app/ for more specifications on the app’s features. 

We’re not quite done yet! You also have the ability to download available e-books and audio-books for leisure reading using Libby! This is another app the BPL offers and allows its patrons a quick and easier way to virtually read from the library! Convenience is the key to a students heart after all! Check it out now on the App Store and Google Play.

For more information on Libby, visit https://www.overdrive.com/apps/libby

6) Personal Book Shopper 

This is more of a fun benefit of having a BPL card. But, it deserves to be on this list! If you are in the mood to read but not sure what books to choose from, the library will do it for you! All you need to do is fill out a short form regarding your reading preferences and habits. Librarians will have 3-5 books ready just for you. The more you tell, the better the recommendations, so don’t be shy! 

Check out, https://www.bpl.org/shelf-service/ to get started! 

7) Free Museum Passes

Whether the resources you are looking for are available elsewhere, or, maybe you just want to immerse yourself in art or science, either way, the BPL hears you. So, that’s why they provide FREE or discounted access to a variety of museums! With an active physical library card, you can reserve 1 pass per museum per thirty-day period (Note you can not reserve a pass with an eCard, you need a physical card). The list of participating museums includes the Boston Children’s Museum, Harvard Museums of Science & Cultures, Museum of Fine Arts, Museum of Science, New England Aquarium, and the USS Constitution Museum.

Sound like fun? For further information and eligibility requirements go to www.bpl.org/museum-passes

8) Housing, Health, & Hunger Help

Aside from supporting individuals with scholarly advancements, the BPL also cares about the financial and physical well-being of its patrons. Homelessness is often a misunderstood phenomenon that does get the recognition and compassion it deserves. That’s why the BPL provides online guides containing information useful for families and individuals who are housing and food insecure. Not only does the guide act as an educational resource but the entire Housing, Health & Hunger Help page provides outside resources and opportunities to access such as “Area Shelters”, “Housing Assistance”, “Food and Free Meal Kits”, “Healthcare”, and more!

If this interests you, check out https://guides.bpl.org/guide4help/home for more information.

Hopefully, you made it to the end of this list and appreciate the Boston Public Library a bit more! The Healey Library is letting all of you know that any resident, student, or worker in Massachusetts is eligible for a BPL library card and BPL eCard. So don’t hesitate and fill out the forms now, see you at the library!

Updates from UMass Boston's Healey Library