UMBrella Update: Sign Up for a Workshop!

UMBrella Update

Happy New Year from Healey Library! As we celebrate the arrival of 2018, we also eagerly anticipate the launch of UMBrella: Covering All Your Research Needs at the end of this month!

In order to help the UMass Boston community take full advantage of UMBrella and all of its features, Healey Library is offering a series of drop-in workshops during the month of February. All faculty, staff, and students are welcome to attend these workshops, learn about the wealth of new features available to users, practice using the new tool, get guided assistance from Healey Librarians, and ask any questions they may have.

Sign up for an UMBrella workshop through the UMass Boston Training Portal. Feel free to include this information in your syllabus or course materials as well!

UMBrella workshops are scheduled for:

Workshops will be held in the Center for Library Instruction (CLI) on the 4th floor of Healey Library, room 15.

If none of these scheduled times works for you, faculty may also request a one-on-one consultation with a librarian that we can schedule at your convenience. Please contact or sign up online to arrange an appointment.

Additional instructional materials, including LibGuides and tutorials, will be provided shortly after the Go Live date.

As always, Healey Library welcomes your questions, comments, and concerns about UMBrella, directed to

3 thoughts on “UMBrella Update: Sign Up for a Workshop!”

    1. Great question! All of our online tutorials, including LibGuides and other instruction materials, will be updated and published immediately after our Go Live date at the end of this month! (Unfortunately, there is no way to prepare these materials in advance, but the team is hard at work putting everything in place so that it can all be launched as soon as possible after the new system is live!) We will also plan on recording the workshops for asynchronous viewing! Let us know if there are other types of materials, formats, or delivery channels that would be helpful to you.

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