This list directs you to OWLs (Online Writing Labs) and specific documents from other colleges and universities, and to style guides. It is not a comprehensive list; rather, it is a brief list of the non-UMass Boston sources that our graduate tutors and tutees have found most useful.
OWLs (Online writing labs at other colleges and universities)
OWL at Purdue U
OWL at U Wisconsin-Madison
OWL at U North Carolina at Chapel Hill (see the handouts under Student Resources)
Specific handouts that are especially useful for graduate students
Literature Reviews from U North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Writing Center
Quoting and Paraphrasing Sources from U Wisconsin-Madison’s Writing Center
Academic Writing several handouts from Purdue U’s OWL (includes Paragraphs and Paragraphing)
About Documenting Sources from the OWL at Wisconsin-Madison
Fresh! Updated Standard for the Preparation of Thesis and Dissertations at the University of Massachusetts Boston (October 2019 version)
Doing research with human or other subjects? Check with UMass Boston’s Institutional Research Board (IRB) on protocols, guidelines, forms, and approvals. (You can ask your GWC tutor to help find the IRB, but only the IRB can make IRB approvals!)
Graduate Studies can help with information about degree progress, graduate programs, and assistanships.
UMass Boston’s collection of Graduate Research Funds is linked here. This page is updated regularly!
UMass Boston has joined the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity Resources, which affords faculty and graduate students access to mentoring, dissertation, and other supports. The National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity site is linked to this sentence.
The Healey Library has a copy of Destination Dissertation (click the title for the permalink).