UMass Boston


A New Study Hopes to Draw Connections Between Medicaid Payment-to-Cost Ratios and Nursing Home Quality Outcomes

Last fall, a report by UMass Boston researchers showed that Medicaid reimbursements fall short of covering the actual costs of nursing home care for Medicaid residents. That research will now go a step further and try to examine how closely Medicaid payment-to-cost ratios affect outcomes in nursing homes.

How—and Why—to Engage Older Adults as Research Partners

Older adults can be powerful research partners in gerontology research, according to a new documentary by Collective Insight.
“By bringing people who have that [lived] experience to the table to talk with researchers, it broadens people’s understanding of what expertise really is,” says Erin McGaffigan, founder of Collective Insight.

Debby Dodds, MAS ’14, is pioneering the use of technology to improve memory care

Alumna returns to Management of Aging Services master‘s program this semester to teach Technology & Aging When she enrolled in UMass Boston Gerontology’s Management of Aging Services master’s program, Debby Dodds was working in technology and helping her mother, who… Continue Reading →

NCOA, LTSS Center create Equity in Aging Research Fellowship

Doctoral student Molly Wylie named inaugural fellow for 2022-23. The National Council on Aging (NCOA) and the LeadingAge LTSS Center @UMass Boston have partnered to create an Equity in Aging Research Fellowship. The one-year graduate research position supports both organizations’… Continue Reading →

Meet a researcher: Pamela Nadash

Pam Nadash calls it “pure happenstance” that she landed as a faculty member in the UMass Boston gerontology department. But her career in nonprofits and public policy—combined with a PhD in public health and political science and her predilection for… Continue Reading →

MIT names Cohen a Mel King Community Fellow

The Community Innovators Lab at Massachusetts Institute of Technology has appointed Marc Cohen, PhD, to its two-year Mel King Community Fellows Program. Cohen is a professor of gerontology at the University of Massachusetts Boston, co-director of the LeadingAge LTSS Center… Continue Reading →

The impact of allowing nurses to offer basic health services in Massachusetts assisted living residences

A new report from the LeadingAge LTSS Center @UMass Boston and Collective Insight shares the experiences of residents, family caregivers, and nurses in Massachusetts assisted living residences (ALRs) during the pandemic, when an executive order allowed ALR nurses to deliver… Continue Reading →

Simple question, complex data: Researchers dig into Medicaid reimbursements for nursing home costs

Do Medicaid reimbursement rates to nursing homes cover the costs of the services these facilities provide? That’s the basic question that UMass Boston gerontology researchers will work to answer over the next year. “It’s a common claim that Medicaid reimbursements… Continue Reading →

Video: Marc Cohen Joins Bipartisan Policy Center Panel on Future of LTSS Finance

How should America finance long term services and supports in the future? Marc Cohen, co-director of the LeadingAge LTSS Center @UMass Boston, participated in a panel discussion on the future of LTSS financing, hosted by the Bipartisan Policy Center in… Continue Reading →

UMass Professor Marc Cohen Presents New “Policy Roadmap” for Future of LTSS Finance

What would a better way to finance long-term services and supports for older Americans really look like? Even more importantly: How would it perform? Marc Cohen, co-director of the LeadingAge LTSS Center @UMass Boston, and two colleagues took up that… Continue Reading →

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