Gerontology Institute Blog

UMass Boston


Student Life

Three doctoral students honored for scholarship, service

UMass Boston gerontology faculty have awarded three doctoral students with annual departmental honors. The 2021-2022 school year honorees are: Book (Dissertation) Award: Meghan Hendricksen Scholarship Award: Shayna Gleason Service Award: Alison Rataj The Book Award Committee chose Meghan Hendricksen for… Continue Reading →

Gerontology team to develop, pilot reframing aging curriculum with UMass Boston students

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ action plan for creating an age-friendly state includes reframing aging as one of six goals. The plan seeks to “change the conversation about aging from a ‘challenge’ to an ‘asset,’ increase literacy about issues related to… Continue Reading →

UMass Boston Gerontology Program Creates Doctoral Scholarship Focused on Under-Represented Communities

Frank Caro Scholarship for Social Justice in Aging honors former gerontology department chair, journal editor, and mentor The Gerontology Institute and Department of Gerontology at UMass Boston have created a scholarship for doctoral students who are dedicated to prioritizing under-represented… Continue Reading →

A Busy Summer: Fellowship Gave UMB Gerontology PhD Student a Role in Boston’s Efforts to Back Housing With Services for Older Adults

How can cities analyze the costs of providing supportive housing for older adults and evaluate proposals from developers seeking municipal support?  The not-so-surprising answer: It’s complicated. Ask Setarreh Massihzadegan, who began her second year in UMass Boston’s Gerontology PhD program… Continue Reading →

Jan Mutchler to head UMass Boston Gerontology Institute

Professor Jan Mutchler, a faculty member at University of Massachusetts Boston for more than 20 years and the founding Director of the Center for Social and Demographic Research on Aging (CSDRA), has been appointed director of the Gerontology Institute at… Continue Reading →

Gerontology PhD Grads Look Ahead to Next Career Step in a More Complicated Working World

By Claire Wickersham UMass Boston’s newest class of Gerontology PhD graduates are heading out into a world – and a job market – unseen by any of their predecessors. The good news: As a group, they have their immediate work… Continue Reading →

The Virtual Semester: How UMass Gerontology Students are Adapting to Remote Learning While Campus Remains Closed

By Claire Wickersham Students are making a lot of adjustments in the spring semester driven online by the COVID-19 pandemic. New technology and different work environments bring a whole new meaning to work and home life balance. The good news:… Continue Reading →

Zoom Boom: Gerontology Department Moves Online to Conduct 5 Virtual PhD Dissertation Defenses in 4 Days

Years of work, study and preparation came down to this final step: Defending PhD dissertations to a series of faces on a computer screen. Conversing with images of people, arranged like tiles on an electronic board, had become a suddenly… Continue Reading →

What I Did on My Summer Vacation: Busy Gerontology Students Mixed Work with Pleasure

Summer is history. Most of UMass Boston’s gerontology students enjoyed the vacation break and hopefully some even found their way to chairs on a beach. But many also worked on gerontology research projects, attended professional events or participated in fellowships… Continue Reading →

PhD Student Danielle Waldron Elected to Leadership Role at Gerontological Society of America

Danielle Waldron thinks it’s important for everyone to maintain a healthy balance between their professional and personal lives. One key: Jump on the right opportunities but don’t feel guilty about saying “no” now and then. The UMass Boston gerontology PhD… Continue Reading →

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