Upcoming GPR survey Continue reading

June 10, 2024
by John Steinberg
June 10, 2024
by John Steinberg
Upcoming GPR survey Continue reading
February 17, 2016
by John Steinberg
On Feb 14 the Fiske Center’s Steve Mrozowski, along with Dr. Georgette Grier-Key of the Eastville Community Historical Society, were featured in a segment of Here and Now talking about Sylvester Mannor. The show was hosted by Emmy Award winning … Continue reading
Dennis Piechota, Heather Trigg, & Steve Mrozowski in Washington Square in front of the Elmer Holmes Bobst Library at NYU. The Sylvester Manor exhibit, described in the article, is in the red building.
There is a nice article on Sylvester Manor in the Garden section of the New York Times
April 8, 2013
by John Steinberg
You can read Stephen Mrozowski’s 2007 dedication to Alice Fiske from Northeast Historical Archaeology: Vol. 36: Iss. 1 at: http://digitalcommons.buffalostate.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1029&context=neha
April 6, 2013
by Meagan Ratini
If you’ve been following the blog lately, you may have seen several posts relating to our recent work at Sylvester Manor. Located on Shelter Island, New York, this site has deep connections with the Fiske Center. In mid-March, a team … Continue reading
April 5, 2013
by John Steinberg
There is a short article in the East Hampton Star about our work at Sylvester Manor and the upcoming exhibition opening at NYU. For some reason the reporter got the impression that there was an NYU group doing work as … Continue reading
April 4, 2013
by John Steinberg
New York University’s Fales Library and Special Collections at the Elmer Holmes Bobst Library presents an opening reception for the exhibition “Sylvester Manor: Land, Food and Power on a New York Plantation,” curated by Jennifer Anderson, PhD., on Wednesday, April … Continue reading
April 3, 2013
by John Steinberg
My good friend Ray Dillman, a graphic artist who makes commercials and such has long lamented the poor training scientists receive in data presentation. He had some time on his hands and made my screen shot of the GPR look … Continue reading
April 2, 2013
by John Steinberg
1 Comment
To the left are preliminary images and results of the GPR survey. Looks like there are multiple graves. I have pointed out one. It shows a strong reflector (at the red dot in the upper blue and red image) and … Continue reading
March 29, 2013
by John Steinberg
The Shelter Island Reporter has an article about our GPR survey at a possible slave cemetery at Sylvester Manor