Tuesday, November 10, 7–8:30 pm • Plymouth Public Library
Fehlow Room, Main Library, 132 South Street, Plymouth, MA
Please join us for an overview of the planned work for the University of Massachusetts Boston’s archaeological and geophysical investigations in the Town of Plymouth. This work is being sponsored by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, and is designed to learn more about the history and archaeology of the Town as part of the lead up to 2020. Proposed work for 2016–2018 will be described followed by a question and answer session for the audience.

Dr. David Landon is the Associate Director of the Fiske Center. He came to UMass Boston in 2000 after nine years at Michigan Technological University, where he was an Associate Professor. He has broad interests in historical and environmental archaeology and issues of colonization, urbanization, and industrialization. He spent a year as a research fellow in the Smithsonian's archaeobiology laboratory and directs the UMass Boston zooarchaeology laboratory. His current research project is funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities and focuses on the archaeology of the Plymouth Colony.