Professor David Landon gives the Grafton field students a tour of Burial Hill and discusses the objectives of his field school.
Last week the Grafton crew visited the Burial Hill field school to see their process and progress. Dr. Landon led a tour of a few of their units and shared the news that this year’s field school has produced promising results. The students also had the opportunity to get a glimpse at the assortment of finds being recovered, the different excavation processes and procedures that are required of archaeology being conducted in an urban environment, as well as how archaeologists interact and educate members of the public who walk by sites.
After the brief tour, the students took time to visit Plimoth Plantation where they were able to see how interpretations of the past and material culture come to life, and how such history is presented to the public. It was a fun experience, but much more work is still to be done in Grafton where the students are in the midst of the final week of their dig.