I realize you’ve had no word from us since setting out on our 14.2 mile hike this past Sunday. Never fear – thanks to Elvis, our guide, we made it through the Valley of Desolation to Boiling Lake and out again slightly wetter and none the worse for wear (barring some very, very cranky leg muscles).

John, Doug, Ken, Brian, and Kat in the Valley of Desolation - after our sulfur mud treatment, and just before eating eggs boiled in the steaming vents!
Over the last few days we’ve nearly completed work at Bois Cotlette. We’ve finished magnetometry, GPR, and EM surveys at several house sites and spent a lot of time plotting points with the TotalStation. Meanwhile, John and Ken have set up a grid and collected GPS points at Sugar Loaf (the northern site).
Tomorrow we plan to finish the last GPR survey at Bois Cotlette, and start EM-31 at Sugar Loaf! More on that later …