Get Out is an American comedy thriller which follows the story of Chris, an African American man who decides to join his Caucasian girlfriend, Rose, back to her hometown so that he could meet her parents. While visiting, Chris encounters very unusual behavior from Rose’s family, along with the residents of the town, soon to realize that he had been brought there to be auctioned off to the townsfolk.
Get Out captivated audiences by not being your average thriller/horror movie. The film incorporated relatable comedy, along with a thought-provoking message throughout the film. It touches upon issues such as racism and slavery. The film also emphasized on how Black culture had once been looked down upon, and how in more recent years, it has become more accepted, and even followed.
Both a comedian and actor, Jordan Peele (best known for his work on Comedy Central), was the writer, co-producer, and director of Get Out. Peele had done an excellent job in creating a film that was both comedic and thrilling to watch, as well as conveying messages about today’s current issue. Definitely a must see movie!