Most Hateful Town?

A gay man finds himself in what has been called, “the most hateful small town in America.” Director,
Lawrence Ferrara (a student at UMass Boston) went to Harrison by chance, knowing nothing about the town’s infamous reputation.
He stopped there to meet a film a survivor of the Oklahoma City Bombing who was giving a speech on
forgiveness. She was to be the subject of his new documentary that was abruptly cancelled when after
“prayerful thought to Jesus” about his sexual identity and she decided to opt out, leaving him in
Harrison, AK with a car full of video equipment. “When I returned to my hotel room and searched online
about the town, I found out it was stigmatized as the most hateful small town for having two hate
groups,” says Ferrara. “It was then I decided to call the mayor, arrange an interview with him and the
townspeople and well as the hate groups” to make a documentary. The film will be submitted to film
festivals around the world in the spring of 2018.


One Response

  1. Ellen at |

    This looks fascinating.

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