In our series “Screenplay Articles”, we want to help you with different techniques to become a better screenwriter. Today’s post is about how to create your hero. Ready? Let’s get started!
Imagine a small community of 1,200 villagers of Chã Das Caldeiras living within the crater of the volcanic Pico do Fogo on the island of Fogo, Cabo Verde. To tell the world about these villagers, you decide to research their community before you create a hero for your story. But how would you create this hero? Take a look at the following 3 tips and see if they help.
Tip 1: Create 5 to 6 characters who may represent the real people of Chã das Caldeiras
After understanding a little bit about their history, their lifestyle, and the major threats they face let’s say you come up with a homeless person, a farmer, a tourist guide, a police officer, a priest, and a tourist. Now, you may want to give a psychological and moral need to each one of them.
Tip 2: Compare each character to others and establish relationships among them
This practice will give you a sense of who your hero should be – the one facing the most complex problem -, the villain, the allies, the opponents, and the fake allies. Give your hero and the villain the same goal, so they have a reason to fight each other.
Tip 3: Know the ending of your story
In his book entitled Screenplay, Syd Field says that the ending is the beginning of a story. For Field, the ending must work effectively, be satisfying and fulfilling, make an emotional impact, be believable, and must resolve all the main story points. So, before you start writing, decide what your hero is going to achieve at the end of your story.
If you find these tips insightful, keep an eye on our series “Screenplay Articles” to learn more.