Introducing Patricia Bruttomesso, new Archival Collections Project Manager

Patty BruttomessoWe are very pleased to announce that Patricia Bruttomesso has joined University Archives & Special Collections in the Joseph P. Healey Library at UMass Boston as Archival Collections Project Manager.

Patty needs no introduction for many in the local history and cultural heritage communities in Massachusetts and beyond. For more than twenty years, she has worked in local and regional historical organizations in the Northeast and Midwest, most recently with Mass Humanities and, before that, the Bay State Historical League. Her impressive organizational skills and deep commitment to public local history are evident in the annual Massachusetts History Conference, which Patty has coordinated for a number of years, and which attracts hundreds of attendees from scores of organizations throughout the Commonwealth. The conference features panel discussions and workshops on topics of interest to historical organizations and those who work with them.

In her work at UMass Boston, Patty brings her experience and expertise to bear on managing the University Archives & Special Collections department’s physical collections, including overseeing an extensive renovation project to enhance and expand our collection storage, processing and research facilities – no small task!

Patty received her undergraduate degree in history from Brown University, and a Masters in History from the University of Delaware through the Hagley Program in the History of Industrial America. Her doctoral work in U.S. History at the University of Chicago (ABD) focused on the reciprocity of technological and social change in Iowa’s woodworking industry from 1865 through 1925.

Welcome to UASC, Patty!

Who’s Who? — Honorary degree recipients and faculty members at 1999 Commencement

As part of UMass Boston’s 50th anniversary celebrations, students working with University Archives & Special Collections have been digitizing, describing, and making available photos from the school’s past. View our collection of University Archives Historic Photographs.

While every effort is made to identify individuals and events pictured, we can always use your help filling in some of the gaps! Every week we will post a new photo with missing information, and if you recognize the people or event simply make a comment below or email telling us what you know. With your help we can create an even better record of UMass Boston’s history!

In this photograph from 1999 Commencement, honorary degree recipients Judith Jameson, Chris Patten, John Lewis, Daniel Goleman, and Donald E. Rodman stand with four UMass Boston faculty members (in black robes).

If you can help identify these UMass Boston faculty members, please comment below or email

Judith Jameson, Chris Patten, John Lewis, unidentified woman, unidentified man, unidentified woman, unidentified woman, Daniel Goleman, Donald E. Rodman. University Archives & Special Collections, University of Massachusetts Boston: UASC-UAPHO-0002-0117-0003.

Judith Jameson, Chris Patten, John Lewis, unidentified woman, unidentified man, unidentified woman, unidentified woman, Daniel Goleman, Donald E. Rodman. University Archives & Special Collections, University of Massachusetts Boston: UASC-UAPHO-0002-0117-0003.

Historian and UMass Boston alumnus Anthony M. Sammarco ’79 publishes Lost Boston

With Lost Boston, historian and UMass Boston alumnus Anthony M. Sammarco ’79 takes readers on a nostalgic journey back in time to visit some of Boston’s  disappeared buildings and places in all their grandeur, before the wrecking ball and decline set in. For information about upcoming book talks featuring Sammarco, click here.

From the 1870s up to the present day, 68 different losses are represented in Lost Boston, including schools, churches, theaters, grand mansions, dockyards, racetracks, parks, stores, hotels, offices, and factories. Organized chronologically starting with the earliest losses and ending with the latest, Lost Boston features much-loved institutions that failed to stand the test of time, along with old-fashioned hotels and sports facilities that were beyond updating or refurbishment. Losses explored include Franklin Place, Boston City Hall, Cathedral of the Holy Cross, Hancock House, Gleason’s Publishing Hall, Fort Hill, Franklin Street, Boston Coliseum, Boylston Market, Merchants Exchange, Haymarket Square, Boston Public Library, Horticultural Hall, Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Revere House (Hotel), Huntington Avenue Grounds, Charlestown City Hall, Molasses Tank, Cyclorama, Readville Trotting Park and Race Track, East Boston Airport, Boston Latin School, East Boston Ferries, Braves Field, Massachusetts State Prison, Boston Opera House, Boston Aquarium, The Howard Athenaeum, and Dudley Street Station.

Well known locally for his community service in disseminating local history, Anthony M. Sammarco has donated his archives to University Archives & Special Collections in the Healey Library at UMass Boston. Sammarco intends to donate a copy of Lost Boston, along with his research materials and photographs, to University Archives & Special Collections.

For information about upcoming book talks featuring Sammarco, click here. Books will be available for purchase for $18.95 at these events and will be signed by the author.

Who’s Who? — 1986 UMass Boston Commencement

As part of UMass Boston’s 50th anniversary celebrations, students working with University Archives & Special Collections have been digitizing, describing, and making available photos from the school’s past online. View our collection of University Archives Historic Photographs here.

While every effort is made to identify individuals and events pictured, we can always use your help filling in some of the gaps! Every week we will post a new photo with missing information, and if you recognize the person or event simply make a comment below or email telling us what you know. With your help we can create an even better record of UMass Boston’s history!

In this photograph from 1986 Commencement, the unidentified UMass Boston Faculty Council Chairperson is holding the University Mace.

If you can identify this man, please comment below or email


University Archives & Special Collections, University of Massachusetts Boston: UASC-UAPHO-0001-0057.

10th annual Mass History Conference explores the history of women at work in Massachusetts

Contribution by Sarafina Collura to the Waltham Mass. Memories Road Show, an initiative of University Archives & Special Collections in the Joseph P. Healey Library at UMass Boston.

Contribution by Sarafina Collura to the Waltham Mass. Memories Road Show, an initiative of University Archives & Special Collections in the Joseph P. Healey Library at UMass Boston.

When: Monday, June 2, 2014 | 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Where: Hogan Campus Center, College of Holy Cross, Worcester, Mass.

Online registration is open through Friday, May 30th by visiting

Click here for directions.

On June 2nd, staff and volunteers from historical organizations, public historians, and interested individuals are invited to join with historians from across the state in exploring the history of women at work in Massachusetts at the tenth annual Mass History Conference. This day-long conference will welcome the many small historical organizations that preserve, interpret, and deepen the exploration of Massachusetts history.

The stories of lesser-known women change-makers get lost in the larger narrative of industry, politics and conflict, but the timing is right for an examination of their tales of great and compelling variety, of lives lived with courage and determination. This anniversary conference, Never Done: Interpreting the History of Women at Work in Massachusetts, features noted Harvard scholar Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, who will present the keynote.

The Mass History Conference, widely celebrated as the best networking and skill-sharing opportunity for historians of our state culture, is co-presented by Mass Humanities, the Massachusetts Historical Society, the University of Massachusetts Amherst Public History Program, the University of Massachusetts Boston Public History and Archives Track, the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, and Elizabeth & Ned Bacon.

Online registration is open through Friday, May 30th by visiting