Nahant Mass. Memories Road Show photographs online now

The photographs and stories gathered at the Nahant Mass. Memories Road Show are available online now for research.

Gathering of summer playmates on grounds of Motley family home. These were my mom's generation of friends. Pictured, from left to right: Herbert Motley, Eleanor Warren Motley, George Richardson, Elizabeth Motley, Pierson Richardson, Elliot Richardson, David Devens, and Pat Devens.

Summer friends, 1924. ‘Gathering of summer playmates on grounds of Motley family home. These were my mom’s generation of friends. Pictured, from left to right: Herbert Motley, Eleanor Warren Motley, George Richardson, Elizabeth Motley, Pierson Richardson, Elliot Richardson, David Devens, and Pat Devens.’ Contributor: Kristy Lee.


Held at the Nahant Town Hall on Saturday, April 1, 2017, the event was organized by the Nahant Public Library01908, Nahant Council on Aging, Nahant Historical Society, Nahant Public Schools, Nahant Safer Waters in Massachusetts, Inc. (S.W.I.M.), and Northeastern University’s Marine Science Center with funding from the Friends of Nahant Public Library and the Nahant Cultural Council. Over twenty local volunteers came out on a snowy spring day to collaborate with a team of UMass Boston staff members and public history graduate students, as well as “Roadies” from past Mass. Memories Road Show events, to welcome more than 100 adults and children with connections to the town on the North Shore of Boston.

This is a rite of passage growing up here in Nahant--jumping off the wharf! My son relishes in every summer moment. Pictured: Casey DeCamp. Location: Town Wharf

Nahant summer rite of passage, 2014. ‘This is a rite of passage growing up here in Nahant–jumping off the wharf! My son relishes in every summer moment. Pictured: Casey DeCamp.’ Contributor: Liz Carlson.


Participants contributed images of everyday life in this tiny island community over the years. Summertime family gatherings are especially well represented in the collection. Many individuals shared memories of their enjoyment of the island’s natural beauty–and photographs capturing sunsets, beaches, and scenic views from their kitchen windows.

'Family photo on Curlew Beach where we played and swam. Pictured, from back to front, left to right: Isabelle (Belle) Oakes Hunnewell, Hollis Hunnewell, Elliot January Hunnewell, Horatio Hollis Hunnewell, Peter Remsen Hunnewell, and Edith Elliot Hunnewell, and Tiller. Location: Curlew Beach.'

Hunnewell family photo, 1972. ‘Family photo on Curlew Beach where we played and swam.’ Contributor: Edith E. Hunnewell.


Several photographs document informal gatherings of teenagers at the local convenience store and organized activities of groups such as the Girl Scouts, the Nahant Women’s Club and the Knights of Columbus.  Many images depict Nahant residents’ efforts to clean up the ocean waters around the island as well as the scientific research and education programs of Northeastern University’s Marine Science Center.

This photo pictures the founding director of the Northeastern University Marine Science Center, Doc Riser. This photo means a lot of me because it exemplifies the perpetual curosity and love for science that made Doc an exemplary leader and inspired future generations of marine scientist. In my role as an educator at the Marine Science Center, I explore these same tidepools with youth and am honored to carry on Doc Riser's legacy of science curosity and passion. Pictured: Nathan 'Doc' Riser. Location: East Point.'

Tidepooling with Doc Riser, founding director of the Northeastern University Marine Science Center, 1960s or 1970s. ‘This picture means a lot to me because it exemplifies the perpetual curiosity and love for science that made him an exemplary leader and inspired future generations of marine scientists.’ Contributor: Val Perini.


Browse the Nahant Mass. Memories Road Show collection.

The Mass. Memories Road Show is a statewide digital history project that documents people, places and events in Massachusetts history through family photographs and stories. In partnership with teams of local volunteers, we organize public events to scan family and community photographs and videotape “the stories behind the photos.” The images and videos are indexed and incorporated into an online educational database. Since its launch, the project has gathered more than 9,000 photographs and stories from across the state. It is supported in part by the Patricia C. Flaherty ’81 Endowed Fund at UMass Boston.

University Archives & Special Collections in the Joseph P. Healey Library at UMass Boston was established in 1981 as a repository to collect archival material in subject areas of interest to the university, as well as the records of the university itself. The mission and history of UMass Boston guide the collection policies of University Archives & Special Collections, with the university’s urban mission and strong support of community service reflected in the records of and related to urban planning, social welfare, social action, alternative movements, community organizations, war and social consequence, and local history related to neighboring communities. To learn more, visit

Mass. Memories Road Show heads to Eastham on Sunday, May 7

When: Sunday, May 7, 2017 | 10:00 am – 3:00 pm

Location: Eastham Public Library | 190 Samoset Road | Eastham, Mass. | Click here for directions.

Do you have a connection to Eastham, Massachusetts? Do you live or work in Eastham? Are your roots in Eastham? Share your memories and take your place in Massachusetts history at this free, public event.

Please bring 2-3 photographs in their original format (digital or print photographs) and your stories to be recorded. We will scan unframed pictures and copy digital images and return the pictures back to you. All images will be added to the online collection at

Local support for the Eastham Mass. Memories Road Show is provided by the Eastham Public Library.

For more information about the Eastham Mass. Memories Road Show, contact Debra DeJonker-Berry at or by calling 508-240-5950 (ext. 3137).

The Mass. Memories Road Show is a statewide digital history project that documents people, places, and events in Massachusetts history through family photographs and stories. It is produced by the Joseph P. Healey Library at the University of Massachusetts Boston and is co-sponsored by the Patricia C. Flaherty ’81 Endowed Fund.

Download the flyer for the Eastham Mass. Memories Road Show and remember to share it with your friends and family members!

Questions? Email

Saturday, April 22: Building a People’s History of Dorchester

When: Saturday, April 22, 2017 | 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Location: Dorchester Historical Society | 195 Boston Street | Dorchester, Mass. | Click here for directions.

Come and share your aspirations for Dorchester history. Help make Dorchester’s past visible. Please join us in a conversation about our communities’ histories, sharing your thoughts on what histories you want to know and explore. What history is missing and why does it matter to you?

History empowers us. Sustaining our communities and supporting active citizenship requires that we understand and share our histories. Building a people’s history depends on your participation.

For more information, contact:

  • Jane Becker, PhD (Graduate Internship Coordinator and Lecturer, History Dept., UMass Boston),
  • Monica Pelayo, PhD (Dir. of the Public History Track and Assistant Professor, History Dept., UMass Boston),

This program is part of the Dorchester History Initiative, which includes John McColgan, City Archivist, City of Boston Archives; the Dorchester Historical Society; UMass Boston’s Department of History (Public History Track); and University Archives and Special Collections in the Joseph P. Healey Library at UMass Boston.

Download the flyer for this event here and help spread the word.

University Archives & Special Collections in the Joseph P. Healey Library at UMass Boston collects materials related to the university’s history, as well as materials that reflect the institution’s urban mission and strong support of community service, notably in collections of records of urban planning, social welfare, social action, alternative movements, community organizations, and local history related to neighboring communities.

University Archives & Special Collections welcomes inquiries from individuals, organizations, and businesses interested in donating materials of an archival nature that that fit within our collecting policy. These include manuscripts, documents, organizational archives, collections of photographs, unique publications, and audio and video media. For more information about donating to University Archives & Special Collections, click here or email

Announcing Mass. Memories Road Show events for 2017

Join us on the road!

University Archives & Special Collections at UMass Boston is excited to announce that the Mass. Memories Road Show will be visiting four communities in Massachusetts in 2017 to collect family photographs and stories from individuals in those communities.

  • Nahant              Nahant Town Hall                           Saturday, April 1
  • Eastham           Eastham Public Library                 Sunday, May 7
  • Wilmington    Wilmington High School               Saturday, September 30
  • Marshfield      Ventress Memorial Library           Saturday, October 28

Click the image to download a copy of this flyer.

Keep visiting for updates about these events.

Browse the Mass. Memories Road Show collection here.

The Mass. Memories Road Show is a statewide digital history project that documents people, places and events in Massachusetts history through family photographs and stories. In partnership with teams of local volunteers, we organize public events to scan family and community photographs and videotape “the stories behind the photos.” The images and videos are indexed and incorporated into an online educational database. Since its launch, the project has gathered more than 9,000 photographs and stories from across the state. It is supported in part by the Patricia C. Flaherty ’81 Endowed Fund at UMass Boston.

University Archives & Special Collections in the Joseph P. Healey Library at UMass Boston was established in 1981 as a repository to collect archival material in subject areas of interest to the university, as well as the records of the university itself. The mission and history of UMass Boston guide the collection policies of University Archives & Special Collections, with the university’s urban mission and strong support of community service reflected in the records of and related to urban planning, social welfare, social action, alternative movements, community organizations, war and social consequence, and local history related to neighboring communities. To learn more, visit

Hyde Park Mass. Memories Road Show photographs and stories now online

The photographs, stories, and videos gathered at the Hyde Park Mass. Memories Road Show are available online now for research.

"When my aunt and my mom get together it is awesome to see their different ways of being and yet so much alike. They feed off each other and are the ties that bind our family together. My aunt loves to talk and my mother not as much and yet it’s the ying and yang that makes the rest of us smile. The love and life lessons run through us all. Much love Aunt Bonnie and mom. Pictured, from left to right: Boonie Booker and Carolyn Harrell. Contributor: Antoinette. Harrell.

The matriarchs, April 2016. “When my aunt and my mom get together it is awesome to see their different ways of being and yet so much alike. They feed off each other and are the ties that bind our family together. My aunt loves to talk and my mother not as much and yet it’s the ying and yang that makes the rest of us smile.” Pictured, from left to right: Boonie Booker and Carolyn Harrell. Contributor: Antoinette Harrell.

Held at the Hyde Park Municipal Building, or “Muni,” on May 14, 2016, the event was organized by the Friends of the Hyde Park Library and sponsored by the Boston Centers for Youth and Families (BCYF) Hyde Park Community Center and Spin350 Creative. Over twenty local volunteers collaborated with a team of UMass Boston staff members and public history graduate students, as well as “Roadies” from past Mass. Memories Road Show events, to welcome more than 100 adults and children with connections to the Boston neighborhood.

Grandfather did the cooking (he's wearing the apron) and he is pouring his homebrew. Pictured, from left to right: my uncle Joe Whalen, my aunt Francis Whalen, my father's father John, uncle John, Darlene Vance, uncle Bob Voss, Jim Hennessey, my grandmother Anna Vance, my aunt Pauline Kominski, my aunt Sophie Sarno, and my father's cousin John Sarno. Location: Williams Avenue. Contributor: Robert Vance.

The party never stops–three-family gathering on Williams Avenue, 1950s. “Grandfather did the cooking (he’s wearing the apron) and he is pouring his home-brew. Pictured, from left to right: my uncle Joe Whalen, my aunt Francis Whalen, my father’s father John, uncle John, Darlene Vance, uncle Bob Voss, Jim Hennessey, my grandmother Anna Vance, my aunt Pauline Kominski, my aunt Sophie Sarno, and my father’s cousin John Sarno.” Contributor: Robert Vance.

Participants shared images of informal family gatherings such as birthday parties, weddings, and holiday celebrations. Community life in Hyde Park over the years is also well documented in the collection. Many individuals contributed photographs of themselves as students attending Most Precious Blood, Hyde Park High School, and other local schools. Others remembered coming together to play with neighbors and to participate in sports competitions, parades, and the creative arts.

New England Tel. "Working on Harvard Street switchboard in Hyde Park. Pictured, from left to right: teacher Mary Miles, Mary Hannon, Mary Lou Leary, and unidentified woman. Contributor: Mary Lou Greene.

New England Tel., 1949. “Working on Harvard Street switchboard in Hyde Park. Pictured, from left to right: teacher Mary Miles, Mary Hannon, Mary Lou Leary, and unidentified woman. Contributor: Mary Lou Greene.

Several photographs document men and women at work in local restaurants, banks, bakeries, convenience stores, and other family enterprises in the neighborhood.

We were asked to be the first family in Hyde Park to receive a single stream recycling bin. Liam was the first to use it. Pictured, from left to right: Rob Consalvo, Janice Kenney, Larry Kenney, Mayor Thomas M. Menino, Ryleigh Kenney, and Liam Kenney. Contributor: Janice Kenney.

“In 2007, we were asked to be the first family in Hyde Park to receive a single stream recycling bin. Liam was the first to use it. Pictured, from left to right: Rob Consalvo, Janice Kenney, Larry Kenney, Mayor Thomas M. Menino, Ryleigh Kenney, and Liam Kenney.” Contributor: Janice Kenney.

A number of individuals chose to preserve memories of their involvement in politics and community activism. Photographs document neighborhood residents running for elected office, saving the local public library, and cleaning up the Neponset River. Many people shared photographs of themselves taken with the late Mayor Thomas M. Menino, who was born in Hyde Park in the 1940s and lived there until his death in 2014.

Browse the Hyde Park Mass. Memories Road Show collection.

The Mass. Memories Road Show is a statewide digital history project that documents people, places and events in Massachusetts history through family photographs and stories. In partnership with teams of local volunteers, we organize public events to scan family and community photographs and videotape “the stories behind the photos.” The images and videos are indexed and incorporated into an online educational database. Since its launch, the project has gathered more than 9,000 photographs and stories from across the state. It is supported in part by the Patricia C. Flaherty ’81 Endowed Fund at UMass Boston.

University Archives & Special Collections in the Joseph P. Healey Library at UMass Boston was established in 1981 as a repository to collect archival material in subject areas of interest to the university, as well as the records of the university itself. The mission and history of UMass Boston guide the collection policies of University Archives & Special Collections, with the university’s urban mission and strong support of community service reflected in the records of and related to urban planning, social welfare, social action, alternative movements, community organizations, war and social consequence, and local history related to neighboring communities. To learn more, visit