Additional Sources and Further Reading on Reparative Descriptive Language

These sources supplement the UASC Statement on Reparative Descriptive Language. If you encounter language in the finding aids and other archival description records in the University Archives and Special Collections (UASC) that you find harmful or offensive, or if you have questions about the resources below or about our work, we welcome your feedback. Please email us at

Archives for Black Lives in Philadelphia Anti-Racist Working Group. “Anti-Racist Description Resources.” October 2019.

Disability History Museum. “FAQs.” Accessed October 2019.

Report of the PCC Ad Hoc Task Group on Gender in Name Authority Records. October 4, 2016.

Social Networks and Archival Context. “SNAC Cooperative Demographics Statement.” Accessed October 2019.

Adler, Melissa. “Case for Taxonomic Reparations”. Knowledge Organization. 2016, Vol. 43 Issue 8, p 630-640.  

Berry, Dorothy. “Digitizing and Enhancing Description Across Collections to Make African American Materials More Discoverable on Umbra Search African American History.” Diversity for Design case study. Accessed July 17, 2019.

Billey, Amber. Just Because We Can, Doesn’t Mean We Should: An Argument for Simplicity and Data Privacy With Name Authority Work in the Linked Data Environment.

Billey, Amber, Emily Drabinski, and K. R. Roberto. 2014. “What’s Gender Got to Do with It? A Critique of RDA 9.7.” Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 52 (4): 412–21.

Bolding, Kelly. “Reparative Processing: A Case Study in Auditing Legacy Description for Racism.” Midwest Archives Conference. March 24, 2018.

Caswell, Michelle. “Teaching to Dismantle White Supremacy in Archives,”The Library Quarterly 87, no. 3 (July 2017): 222-235.

Cifor, Marika. “Aligning Bodies: Collecting, Arranging, and Describing Hatred for a Critical Queer Archives.” Library Trends 64:4 (Spring 2016), 756-775.

Douglas, Jennifer.  “Toward More Honest Description.”  American Archivist.  79:1 (Spring/Summer 2016), pp. 26-55. Accessed July 2019.

Drabinski, Emily. 2013. “Queering the Catalog: Queer Theory and the Politics of Correction.” The Library Quarterly: Information, Community, Policy 83 (2): 94–111.

Drake, Jarrett M. “RadTech Meets RadArch: Towards A New Principle for Archives and Archival Description.” Delivered at the Radcliffe Workshop on Technology & Archival Processing, April 4–5, 2016, in Cambridge, MA.

Dunbar, Anthony W.  “Introducing Critical Race Theory to Archival Discourse:  Getting the Conversation Started.”  Archival Science 6:1 (March 2006), pp. 109-129.

Foreman, P. Gabrielle, et al. “Writing about Slavery/Teaching About Slavery: This Might Help” community-sourced document, Accessed June 25, 2020,

Fox, Melodie J. 2011. “Prototype Theory: An Alternative Concept Theory for Categorizing Sex and Gender?” NASKO??.

Hwang, Karen Li-Lun. “Minding and Mending the Gaps: A Case Study in Linked Open Data.” Diversity for Design Toolkit. Accessed 2019-07-17.

Larade, Sharon P. and Johanne M. Pelletier. “Mediating in a Neutral Environment: Gender-Inclusive or Neutral Language in Archival Description.” Archivaria 35 (Spring 1993): 99-109.

Long, Kara, Santi Thompson, Sarah Potvin, and Monica Rivero. “The ‘Wicked Problem’ of Neutral Description: Toward a Documentation Approach to Metadata Standards.” Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 55(3): 107-128.

Matienzo, Mx A. “To Hell With Good Intentions: Linked Data, Community and the Power to Name.” February 11, 2016.

Millar, Laura.  “An Obligation of Trust:  Speculations on Accountability and Description.”  American Archivist. 69 (Spring/Summer 2006), pp. 60-78.

Moulaison, Heather Lea. “Authors and Authorities in Post-RDA Library Systems.” 2014. Retrieved

Noble, Safiya Umoja. “Google Search: Hyper-visibility as a Means of Rendering Black Women and Girls Invisible,” InVisible Culture 19 (2013).

Olson, Hope, and Rose Schlegl. 1999. “Bias in Subject Access Standards: A Content Analysis of the Critical Literature.” In Information Science Where Has It Been, Where Is It Going? Canadian Association for Information Science. Sherbrooke, Canada: Canadian Association for Information Science.

Olson, Hope A. “The Power to Name: Representation in Library Catalogs.” Signs 26:3 (Spring 2001), pp. 639-668.

Olson, Hope A. The Power to Name: Locating the Limits of Subject Representation in Libraries. Dordrecht: Spring, 2002.

Rinn, Meghan R. “Nineteenth-Century Depictions of Disabilities and Modern Metadata: A Consideration of Material in the P.T. Barnum Digital Collection.” Journal of Contemporary Archival Studies 5 (1) 2018.

Sadler, Bess and Chris Bourg. “Feminism and the Future of Library Discovery.” Code4Lib Journal Issue 28. April 14, 2015.

Sandberg, Jane, ed. Ethical Questions in Name Authority Control. Sacramento, CA: Library Juice Press, 2019.

Shilton, Katie and Ramesh Srinivasan.  “Participatory Appraisal and Arrangement for Multicultural Archival Collections.”  Archivaria. 63 (Spring 2007), pp. 87-101. 

Thompson, Kelly J. “More than a Name: A Content Analysis of Name Authority Records for Authors who Self-Identify as Trans.” Vol 60, No. 3 (2016). Accessed July 2019.

Winn, Sam. “Radical Honesty in Archival Description.” (Powerpoint presentation). 

Wood, Stacy et. al.  “Mobilizing Records:  Re-Framing Archival Description to Support Human Rights.” Archival Science. 4:3-4 (October 2014), pp. 397-419.