Well, its been a very long time since my last blog. Reason being summer break has had an excellent impact on overall laziness. However i still have this void of work to fill. I’ve been writing lots of political chatter on the underground networks. Its great that these huge networks of hackers, bloggers, gurus, geeks and freaks exist as pure as they did in the late 80s. Anyways, having a great summer? Blog it!
Summer is the best season of the year. I use to make homemade sushi during this season. Get a sushi kit , roll some rice, Voila! Perfect summer.
thats really a nice post and very informational ,your site has got sio much valuable information love your site, hope you continue this effort
IMHO you’ve got the right asnewr!
There?s a seecrt about your post. ICTYBTIHTKY
It’s about time somonee wrote about this.
Times are chgnaing for the better if I can get this online!
Great share thanks for publishing
That sounds like the perfect date. Minus the sushi for me though, but other than your choice of meat i must say i couldnt have thought of a more enjoyable way to spend a day.