Camp Shriver, an inclusive sports camp for students with and without disabilities, started the summer off with a huge event on Tuesday, July 7th to…
On Thursday, July 31st, Demaris, a guest photographer, and I got to cover Camp Shriver for an entire day. Camp Shriver follows a sports based…
On July 15th, Camp Shriver students brought their families with them for Parent Day. Parents and staff played different types of activities with the students….
Camp Shiver students had an awesome Activity Day on July 10th. They shot some basketball and swam at the Clark Athletic Center. The staff there was…
Camp Shriver, an inclusive sports camp for students with and without disabilities, kicks off its program on Monday, July 7. This summer marks the program’s…
On Monday, July 29, I got to follow Brandon, a student in Camp Shriver, to see what the camp’s students are doing. Brandon is in…
On July 31, Camp Shriver had its field day event at the Clark Athletic Center Field. Students took advantage of the lovely weather and played…
Despite today’s rainy weather, campers at Camp Shriver are still participating in sports. I ran into the students today at the gym, where they were…
Camp Shriver is an inclusive sports camp for students with and without disabilities. This summer marks the program’s eighth year of service at UMass Boston…