CSM Enrichment Opportunities

listing of opportunities available to STEM majors

CSM Scholarships Due April 20, 2020

The CSM Dean’s office is seeking applications for the AY 2020-2021 CSM Undergraduate Scholarships:  Bran, Brehm, Kibel, and Northrop Grumman (formerly known as Litton) for all CSM Majors. You can use a single application to apply for all scholarships that you may be eligible.

Apply Online at: forms.umb.edu/csm-opportunities

Application Steps

  1. Create/update your profile.
  2. Speak with your professors about letters of recommendation.
  3. Submit application materials and enter emails of faculty recommenders.
  4. Login to check your application status.
  5. Submit your application by 11:59 pm on Monday, April 20th.

Questions:  Velina Batchvarov, Program Coordinator velina.batchvarov@umb.edu, 617.287.3283.

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