The Office of Career Services and Internships is partnering with SurveyMonkey to host and information session for their Software Engineering internships in Silicon Valley. This is a paid internship opportunity.
Ever wonder what it would be like to be a software engineer in Silicon Valley? Come learn about how you can make a lasting impact as a Software Engineering Intern at SurveyMonkey. This chat will take place in University Hall (2nd Floor – Room 2110) on Thursday, September 26th from 5:00 – 6:30 pm. This FREE event is open to students, faculty & administration from the University of Massachusetts Boston . Registration is required and space is limited so register today!
Put your curiosity to work with SurveyMonkey—they saved you a place!
Program format:
-Brief information session
-Free Food
-Awesome Opportunity
Interested in a summer internship in the heart of Silicon Valley? Then RSVP for this event at Handshake – the Career Services jobs and events database.