We’re here to connect you with professors who need you in their labs. Doing research is a great opportunity to make an impact in modern discoveries, expand your resumé, gain valuable and marketable skills, and pursue the objects of your interest.
Join us for our first event of the semester! The R@U Lightning Talks, where 4 professors give you the rapid breakdown of their research and how you can contribute, will take place Friday, October 5th, 2018 from 12pm-1pm, in ISC 1200. There will be pizza and plenty of time to mingle with the professors and ask questions. This is a great opportunity for networking and learning about hot new research opportunities right here at UMass Boston!
Please let us know you will be coming by RSVPing at this link: goo.gl/ajEM5d. For event flyer, click here.
We hope to see you there!
The R@U Leadership Team