Key Steps Involved in Integration of Redux with React-Based Application

In frontend development, ReactJS combined with Redux has become a potent coupling for building strong and scalable applications. ReactJS is well-known for offering an efficient and flexible means for crafting user interfaces. On the other hand, Redux provides a predictable state management solution. 

Integrating Redux with a React-based application will improve state management, simplify data flow, and improve the application’s overall performance. In this comprehensive guide, we will go through all the steps involved in integrating Redux with a React-based application, which you should know before reaching out to ReactJS developers or a reliable React JS development company

What is Redux and its Benefits? 

Before diving into the integration process, let’s see what exactly Redux is and what its benefits are. It is a predictable state container for JavaScript applications, allowing you to manage all your application states within one central store. With it, Redux makes state transitions predictable throughout an app, enabling easy debugging and testing. Furthermore, it promotes unidirectional data flow architecture, facilitating easy handling of intricate data interactions.

Step-by-step Guide on ReactJS with Redux Integration

ReactJS with Redux integration is not considered a one-step process; it is carried out in multiple steps. For this, you can hire ReactJS developers or try to complete the overall process on your own. If you are looking forward to achieving this objective, then learning the steps involved becomes important. Here, we will discuss how you can integrate Redux with a React-based application. So, let’s delve in: 

Step 1# Setting up Redux in Your React Application

To start integrating Redux with a React-based application, you should set up Redux within your project. In this regard, you should begin by installing the necessary dependencies, which include redux and react-redux, utilizing yarn or npm. The subsequent step involves merging reducers to make a Redux store utilizing the createStore function from Redux. 

Reducers are known to play a pivotal role as they define how the state of the app changes as a result of actions being dispatched to the Redux store. The next thing you should do is to wrap your React application with the <Provider> component from react-redux so that all components can access the Redux store. To learn more, you can hire dedicated ReactJS developers. 

Step 2# Outlining Actions and Action Creators

Actions typically refer to payloads of information that facilitate sending data from your app to the Redux store. On the other hand, action creators are the functions that are mainly employed for crafting and returning action objects. So, it effectively streamlines the process of dispatching actions within your app. 

In this regard, you should essentially make sure to define action types as constants to avoid any typos and maintain consistency. You can then build action creators that encapsulate logic for producing specific actions in your app. This way, by grouping actions and action creators, you can ensure that there is always a transparent and organized method of managing changes in an application state.

Step 3# Implementing Reducers for State Management

Reducers help define how the state of the app typically changes in response to actions dispatched to the Redux store. In this regard, it is vital to note that each reducer function takes the present state and an action as arguments and returns a new state depending on the action type. Reducers should essentially be in pure functions, which means that they should not alter the existing state but instead return a new state object. 

Also, in this case, combining multiple reducers into a single root reducer with the aid of Redux’s combineReducers function is possible. After that, this root reducer is passed mainly to the createStore function when crafting the Redux store.

Step 4# Connecting Redux with React Components

Now that you are done setting up Redux and defining actions and reducers, it is time to connect Redux with your React components. You can leverage the connect function from react-redux to connect React components to the Redux store. 

You should also focus on mapping state and action dispatchers, especially the component props. Once your components are connected to your Redux store, you can access state data and dispatch any action within your React components. Thus, it facilitates seamless integration between Redux and React. 

Step 5# Dispatching Actions and Updating State

As now Redux is integrated into your React application, you can dispatch actions for updating the application state. In this case, you should make sure to dispatch actions from React components. This is possible by calling action creators and passing the resulting action objects to the dispatch function offered by react-redux. Reducers will then handle these specific actions and update the application state accordingly. 

Ultimately, you can create interactive and dynamic user interfaces with React and Redux by dispatching actions and updating the state in response to user interactions or asynchronous events. If you need related aid, you can make sure to hire ReactJS developers.

Step 6# Debugging and Testing

Both debugging and testing are considered integral steps of any development process. These steps are known for ensuring the stability and reliability of your Redux-integrated React application. To debug Redux apps, you can leverage Redux DevTools, an integral browser extension. This extension helps inspect the state changes and action dispatches in your app. 

Also, you should focus on writing unit tests and integration tests to verify the behavior of Redux actions, components, and reducers. By conducting rigorous testing in your Redux code, it is possible to detect and fix concerns early in the development procedure. Thus, it helps you to deliver a high-quality application to your users.

ReactJS with Redux Example

Now, let’s have a look at the primary example of integrating ReactJS with Redux, where Redux is used for state management: 

  • First of all, consider setting up the Reduce store. 


// src/store.js

import { createStore } from ‘redux’;

// Define the initial state

const initialState = {

count: 0


// Define reducer function

const reducer = (state = initialState, action) => {

switch (action.type) {


     return { …state, count: state.count + 1 };


     return { …state, count: state.count – 1 };


     return state;



// Create Redux store

const store = createStore(reducer);

export default store;


  • After that, it is time to create React components.


// src/App.js

import React from ‘react’;

import { useSelector, useDispatch } from ‘react-redux’;

import { increment, decrement } from ‘./actions’;

const App = () => {

const count = useSelector(state => state.count);

const dispatch = useDispatch();

return (


     <h1>Counter: {count}</h1>

     <button onClick={() => dispatch(increment())}>Increment</button>

     <button onClick={() => dispatch(decrement())}>Decrement</button>




export default App;


  • As a part of the next step, you need to define the action creators.


// src/actions.js

export const increment = () => ({



export const decrement = () => ({




  • The final step involves connecting the React application to the Redux store.


// src/index.js

import React from ‘react’;

import ReactDOM from ‘react-dom’;

import { Provider } from ‘react-redux’;

import store from ‘./store’;

import App from ‘./App’;


<Provider store={store}>

<App />





When you run your React application, you will see a counter with “Decrement” and “Increment” buttons. When you tap on these buttons, actions are dispatched to the Redux store, updating the count state accordingly.

Wrapping Up

Thus, the integration of Redux with a React-based application effectively facilitates data flow, state management, and application architecture. By successfully following the steps mentioned in this blog post, you can easily integrate Redux into your React application and leverage the full potential of these technologies. If you have difficulties implementing any of the above-discussed steps, you can hire ReactJS developers or choose a professional React JS development company. They can offer you the best outcomes by addressing your concerns and queries.