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Brca1 haploinsufficiency promotes early tumor onset and epigenetic alterations in a mouse model of hereditary breast cancer

Carman Man-Chung Li, Alyssa Cordes, Michael U. J. Oliphant, S. Aidan Quinn, Mayura Thomas, Laura M. Selfors, Francesca Silvestri, Nomeda Girnius, Gianmarco Rinaldi, Jason J. Zoeller, Hana Shapiro, Christina Tsiobikas, Kushali P. Gupta, Shailja Pathania, Aviv Regev, Cigall Kadoch, Senthil K. Muthuswamy & Joan S. Brugge


Frequent CHD1 deletions in prostate cancers of African American men is associated with rapid disease progression

Miklos Diossy, Viktoria Tisza, Hua Li, Pranshu Sahgal, Jia Zhou, Zsofia Sztupinszki, Denise Young, Darryl Nousome, Claire Kuo, Jiji Jiang, Yongmei Chen, Reinhard Ebner, Isabell A Sesterhenn, Joel T Moncur, Gregory T Chesnut, Gyorgy Petrovics, Gregory T Klus, Gabor Valcz, Pier Vitale Nuzzo, Dezso Ribli, Judit Börcsök, Aurel Prosz, Marcin Krzystanek, Thomas Ried, David Szuts, Kinza Rizwan, Salma Kaochar, Shailja Pathania, Alan D D’Andrea, Istvan Csabai, Shiv Srivastava, Matthew L Freedman, Albert Dobi, Sandor Spisak, Zoltan Szallasi 


Nucleotide excision repair deficiency is a targetable therapeutic vulnerability in clear cell renal cell carcinoma

Aurel Prosz#, Haohui Duan#, Viktoria Tisza#, Pranshu Sahgal, Sabine Topka, Gregory T. Klus, Judit Börcsök, Zsofia Sztupinszki, Timothy Hanlon, Miklos Diossy, Laura Vizkeleti, Dag Rune Stormoen, Istvan Csabai, Helle Pappot, Joseph Vijai, Kenneth Offit, Thomas Ried, Nilay Sethi, Kent W. Mouw, Sandor Spisak*, Shailja Pathania* & Zoltan Szallasi*, Scientific Reports

# These authors contributed equally
* Co-Senior Authors



Replication stress and defective checkpoints make fallopian tube epithelial cells putative drivers of highgrade serous ovarian cancer

Pamoda Galhenage, Yunlan Zhou,  Erica Perry, Brenda Loc, Kelly Fietz, Sonia Iyer, Ferenc Reinhardt, Tiego Da Silva, Vladimir Botchkarev, Jie Chen, Christopher P. Crum, Robert A. Weinberg, and Shailja Pathania (2023), Cell Reports 



The tumor mutational landscape of BRCA2-deficient primary and metastatic prostate cancer

Kevin H. Kensler, Shakuntala Baichoo, Shailja Pathania, and Timothy R. Rebbeck (2022), NPJ Precision Oncology



BRCA1/Trp53 heterozygosity and replication stress drive esophageal cancer development in a mouse model

Ye He, Joshua Rivera, Miklos Diossy, Haohui Duan, Christian Bowman-Colin, Rachel Reed, Rebecca Jennings, Jesse Novak, Stevenson V. Tran, Elizabeth F. Cohen, View ORCID ProfileDavid Szuts, Anita Giobbie-Hurder, Roderick T. Bronson, Adam J. Bass, Sabina Signoretti, Zoltan Szallasi, David M. Livingston, and Shailja Pathania (2021), PNAS

PNAS October 12, 2021 118 (41) e2108421118;

Genetically defined syngeneic mouse models of ovarian cancer as tools for the discovery of combination immunotherapy

Sonia IyerShuang ZhangSimge YucelHeiko HornSean G Smith, Ferenc Reinhardt, Esmee Hoefsmit, Bimarzhan Assatova, Julia Casado, Marie-Charlotte Meinsohn, M Inmaculada Barrasa, George W Bell, Fernando Perez Villatoro, Kaisa Huhtinen, Johanna Hynninen,  Jaana Oikkonen, Pamoda M Galhenage, Shailja Pathania, Paula T Hammond, Benjamin G Neel, Anniina Färkkilä, David Pépin and Robert A. Weinberg (2021), AACR Cancer Discovery
DOI: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-20-0818 Published February 2021


RPA, RFWD3, and BRCA2 at stalled forks: a balancing act

Haohui Duan & Shailja Pathania (2020), Molecular & Cellular Oncology

DOI: 10.1080/23723556.2020.1801089

Fibroblast-tumor cell signaling limits HER2 kinase therapy response via activation of MTOR and antiapoptotic pathways.

Zervantonakis IK, Poskus MD, Scott AL, Selfors LM, Lin JR, Dillon DA, Pathania S, Sorger PK, Mills GB, Brugge JS.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020 Jul 14;117(28):16500-16508. Epub 2020 Jun 29.PMID: 32601199

DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2000648117

E3 ligase RFWD3 is a novel modulator of stalled fork stability in BRCA2-deficient cells.

Duan H, Mansour S, Reed R, Gillis MK, Parent B, Liu B, Sztupinszki Z, Birkbak N, Szallasi Z, Elia AEH, Garber JE, Pathania S. J Cell Biol. 2020 Jun 1;219(6):e201908192. doi: 10.1083/jcb.201908192.


MAPK Pathway Suppression Unmasks Latent DNA Repair Defects and Confers a Chemical Synthetic Vulnerability in BRAF-, NRAS-, and NF1-Mutant Melanomas.

Maertens O, Kuzmickas R, Manchester HE, Emerson CE, Gavin AG, Guild CJ, Wong TC, De Raedt T, Bowman-Colin C, Hatchi E, Garraway LA, Flaherty KT, Pathania S, Elledge SJ, Cichowski K.Cancer Discov. 2019 Apr;9(4):526-545. doi: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-18-0879. Epub 2019 Feb 1.


Mixing Mutation Location with Carcinogen Exposure: A Recipe for Tissue Specificity in BRCA2-Associated Cancers?

Pathania S., Garber JE. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2018 Sep 1;110(9):925-926. doi: 10.1093/jnci/djy047.

Overexpression of BLM promotes DNA damage and increased sensitivity to platinum salts in triple negative breast and serous ovarian cancers.

Birkbak NJ*, Li Y*, Pathania S*, Greene-Colozzi A, Dreze M, Bowman-Colin C, Sztupinszki Z, Krzystanek M, Diossy M, Tung N, Ryan PD, Garber JE, Silver DP, Iglehart JD, Wang ZC, Szuts D, Szallasi Z, Richardson AL. *Equal contribution. (2018) Ann Oncol. doi:10.1093/annonc/mdy049.








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