Check out some of our current data!
CK8/CK14 Immunofluorescent staining of murine-derived mammary ducts exposed to 4NQO at 20x magnification

This image depicts RFWD3 depletion rescues fork degradation in BRCA2-depleted cells.

This photograph shows RFWD3 depletion rescues fork collapse in BRCA2-depleted cells.

This image is showing representative basal and luminal epithelial cell populations using Cytokeratin14 (basal) and Cytokeratin 8 (luminal) markers at 20x magnification

This photograph depicts a replication stress induced basal epithelial cell derived adenocarcinoma (Cytokeratin14) at 10x magnification

Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) of representative cell populations residing in a mouse mammary gland using single cell RNA-sequencing