Pathania team having a grilliant time at the summer BBQ party!
A totality cool solar eclipse viewing!
Joshua’s farewell bowling party!
Dr. Pathania and graduate students Evan Hur, Haohui Duan, and Kathy Situ (from left) accidentally matching grey outfits!
Pathania team kicking off the holidays with a delicious potluck and some crazy pictures! From us to you, Happy Holidays!
Pathania team celebrating a successful poster presentation at the AACR Conference at San Diego with a delicious lunch!
Pamoda’s Farewell Party– Celebrating Pamoda’s paper in Cell Reports and the start of an exciting new chapter at Harvard Med School as a postdoc in Dr. Joan Brugge’s lab. We will miss you here in the lab!
Happy Birthday, Kathy! We recently celebrated this fabulous PhD student’s birthday. We wish you a year of health, happiness, and more science!
Happy Birthday Jess! We recently celebrated our newest PhD student’s birthday. Wishing her the very best year, and grateful for her always. Scientists by day and bowlers by night! We recently celebrated some birthdays and an amazing summer together at our neighborhood Boston Bowl.Orange you glad graduate students Pamoda Galhenage (left) and Kathy Situ (right) are coincidentally matching today?Undergraduate students Gabby McCloskey (left) and Silvi Salhotra (right) follow in the footsteps of their amazing mentors!Undergraduate students Pratha Rawal, Salome Mouliere, and Silvi Salhotra (from left) studiously observe their amazing mentor, graduate student Haohui Duan, in the cell culture hood!
Celebrating the graduation of undergraduate students Stevenson Tran, Erica Perry, and Nisha Patel!
Graduate students Kathy Situ, Pamoda Galhenage, and Haohui Duan (clockwise from left) prepare lunch for our graduation celebration!Undergraduate students gather for a bittersweet commemorative pictureDr. Pathania and the fabulous graduate students are pictured in front of beautiful Boston HarborRecent graduate Nisha Patel stopped by to show off her graduation regalia and excellent lab skills before moving on to her next chapter!
Celebrating the publication of Josh’s, Haohui’s, and Stevenson’s work, Haohui’s Birthday and PhD candidacy, and Haaris’ graduation!
Happy Birthday Josh!
Celebrating Pamoda’s PhD candidacy!
Margaret Gillis, Pamoda Galhenage, and Haohui Duan Carving Pumpkins! Bowling Night! Lab Dinner
Graduate Student Joshua Rivera And His Team
Biology Department Christmas Party 2017 Ski Trip! Summer BBQ 2017 Summer BBQ 2017