Skagafjörður Church and Settlement Survey


Vettvangsvinnu Skagfirsku kirkju- og byggðasögurannsóknarinnar er nú lokið þetta sumarið 2015 Skagafjörður Church and Settlement Survey fieldwork end


SCASS Team as viewed from the drone

SCASS Team as viewed from the drone

Vettvangsvinnu Skagfirsku kirkju- og byggðasögurannsóknarinnar er nú lokið þetta sumarið. Við viljum þakka íbúum Hegraness fyrir að hafa tekið svona vel á móti okkur, Sveitarfélaginu Skagafirði fyrir allan stuðninginn, öllum sem veittu okkur leyfi, aðstoð eða fjárstuðning og svo auðvitað þeim sem komu og heimsóttu okkur í sumar. Jói og Þórey í Keflavík fá sérstakar þakkir fyrir að leyfa okkur að grafa stóra holu í túninu hjá sér! Við mætum svo aftur næsta sumar í Hegranesið en höldum að sjálfsögðu áfram að setja efni á Fésbókarsíðuna eftir því vinnst úr rannsóknargögnunum.


The archaeological fieldwork of Skagafjörður Church and Settlement Survey has wrapped up for the summer. We would all like to thank residents of Hegranes their permission and hospitality. We are also grateful to the Skagafjörður Municipality for their in-kind and financial support. We are so pleased that so many of you came and visited us during the summer fieldwork. Special thanks go to to Jói and Þórey at Keflavík for allowing us to dig such a big hole in their grass field. We will be back again next summer to continue to learn more about the Hegranes region. For everyday in the field, it takes several days in the lab to process and understand the excavations and their content.   As reports and other information become available we will post updates and links in this space.

Author: John Steinberg

Dr. John Steinberg has been a Research Scientist at the Fiske Center since 2006. He received his PhD in Anthropology from UCLA in 1997. Before coming to UMass Boston, John taught at UCLA and California State University Northridge. He is interested in the economic problems of colonization, both in New England and across the North Atlantic. He uses GIS and shallow geophysics to study settlement patterns to understand broad trends over the landscape. In addition to John's New England work, he has been studying the settlement patterns of Viking Age Iceland. John is the director of the Digital Archaeology Laboratory at the Fiske Center.

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