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FAQs About the RWSSC

Q: Where do I go for my RWSSC tutorials?
A: Go to the Reading, Writing, and Study Strategies Center at Academic Support Programs (Campus Center-1-1300 -- 617-287-6550). Check in at the reception desk and let the staff know the name of your tutor.

Q: How do I sign up for RWSSC tutoring?
A: Via the RWSSC's WC Online site at: 

Q: How do I find out if I have been assigned an RWSSC tutor?
A: You will receive an e-mail and/or text message. You can also log into your WC Online account to check on your status.

Q: If I have signed up for RWSSC tutoring on an ongoing basis, do I have to come for tutoring every week? If I don’t have any assignments or papers due, do I still have to come?
A: Yes. There is always something to work on, to plan for and/or discuss.

Q: How many cancellations are allowed?
A: You can cancel up to two appointments a semester, if you do so ahead of time via your WC Online account.

Q: What happens if I don't show up?
A: If you don't let your tutor know ahead of time that you are canceling, your time will be reassigned to another student. You can reactivate your request for tutorial help but you will be placed at the end of the queue and will have to wait for a time slot to open up.

Q: Do you do proofreading? Will you edit my papers?
A: No, but we will help you to learn how to revise your papers on your own.

Q: What kinds of tutoring do you do at the RWSSC?
A: Graduate students and faculty help students with assignments for their courses; for example, they help with paper writing, paper revision, reading techniques, and with strategies for note-taking, studying, and test-taking. The specific type of tutoring an individual student receives depends on the type of assignments with which s/he needs help.

Q: Who goes to the Center to get tutored?
A: Students who want to improve their reading, writing, and study strategies.

Q: Where do I meet my tutor and what should I bring?
A: Meet your tutor at the Reading, Writing, and Study Strategies Center, Academic Support Programs (Campus Center-1-1300). Bring your syllabi, instructions, paper drafts, and/or anything else that you need to work on your assignments.

Q: Can I get more than one hour of tutoring per week?
A: You can get only one hour of individual tutoring, but you can also attend one of our workshops.

Q: What kinds of workshops do you offer?
A: Usually, we offer writing workshops and time-management/study strategies workshops weekly. Check the Workshop section of this blog for more information.

Q: How much does it cost to get tutoring?
A: Nothing. Tutoring is free to actively enrolled students.

Q: Can a tutor in the Center help me prepare for the WPR exam or portfolio?
A: No, but Center tutors will help you develop your writing process while working on your coursework. Also, course papers that you work on with a Center tutor may fit the guidelines for a supporting paper for the WPR portfolio.

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