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Effective Addiction Treatment
11/17/2013 | 56 Comments
11/17/2013 | 56 Comments
See original article:
11/17/2013 at 19:27
“It should be more than movies, lectures or three-hour classes three times a week…You should be treated by a licensed addiction counselor who will see you one-on-one. Treatment should be individualized. One size does not fit all.”
This quote said by Anne M. Fletcher really says it all. Its true that everyone is different. We all learn best in differently ways, we retain information in different ways, we have different personalities and behaviors, body types. It would make sense that treatment shouldn’t be a “one size fits all” like a winter knitted hat. This can be said for diets too. Not everyone can loose weight the same way. It all has to be individualized based on that specific person. Its no wonder that people are in and out of rehabs all the time. They’re spending too much money for short term effects when they need to change it and think long term.
11/17/2013 at 21:15
“You don’t treat a chronic illness for four weeks and then send the patient to a support group. People with a chronic form of addiction need multimodal treatment that is individualized and offered continuously or intermittently for as long as they need it.”
This quote is not only completely true, but one of the strongest points that caught my attention in this article. I believe it is 100% true that people with chronic illnesses need individualized help that is more than a mere 4 week generic session. Throughout my life, I have seen this in many different instances. Having an alcoholic mother trying to cope with detox and rehab several times and always a failure, friends with drug addictions and eating disorders that no matter how hard they try, can’t shake the habits. This is mostly due to the fact that everyone functions differently and everyone needs their own individualized plan from a professional to attack this matter, or any other matter. People are not robots. We cannot simply plug into a mother computer and fix every bug and glitch in the same ways. People have brains, complex systems of thinking, chemical balances, and behavioral patterns. Sure, if we were all robots, if we were all the same, a generic plan for recovery could probably work, but that is not how humans function. As we are, as we function, we all need our own individualized ways of coping with addiction and getting past it to be the better versions of ourselves.
11/17/2013 at 22:00
The above two comments really speak to just how many people agree that addiction treatment should be done differently. Then why hasn’t it changed? Why are high profile celebrities or people with a lot of money the only ones who receive effective, personalized treatment? I think that the statement about treatment encompassing all aspects of the individual’s life is also important because addiction stretches into all parts of a person’s life, often affecting more than the person has realized. Having treatment that helps with the medical, psychological, social, vocational, and legal would greatly reduce the chances of relapse because of how deeply addictions can run. Also having someone to teach the affected individual to learn and recognize triggers would be a big help in recovery and in preventing relapse. I think that addiction treatment is something that needs to be changed in terms of how we look at addiction, how we look at the affected, and how we make it so everyone has access to help.
11/17/2013 at 22:04
The article contends that nowadays drug addiction is really a big problem which makes people worry about their lives. The most important reason is right now the physician stick with the stereotype like the traditional medicine method, in other words they treat patients in the same way with medicine. The passage says, “There are exceptions, but of the many thousands of treatment programs out there, most use exactly the same kind of treatment you would have received in 1950, not modern scientific approaches,” According to the sentence, physicians at this time are out of dated with their treatment because they merely follow the old poor treatment which has been developed few decades ago. The article also states, “People with a chronic form of addiction need multimodal treatment that is individualized and offered continuously or intermittently for as long as they need it.” That is to say different people should treat in diverse methods; only one same method doesn’t make sense to too many symptoms. As the society developing physicians’ mind should follow up with the development. Otherwise they will have no idea of how to treat new symptom with upcoming method. As a result only very small percent of patient getting cured but most people still keep their symptom with themselves even worse.
This article means to awake people that they have to change their mind and doing right things. One big part is the physician should be certificated the passage tells us, “If the therapist is a physician, he or she should be certified by the American Board of Addiction Medicine.” In this way the physician can be valid and he or she can treat their patients in appropriate way. Certification in some ways is the proof of the certain physician and without the certification we will have no idea of what treatment the patients will receive from their savers. Higher level of physician’s knowledge high safety will be bringing to the patients and their family. From social aspect addiction treatment must be diversification just because treatment is relate to lots of area like medical, psychological, social, vocational so that the symptom can be analysis more wider and there can be more people from different area come to help these patients. If we only stick with tiny narrow area it will be truly difficult to find an useful method to deal with coming symptoms with addictions. From another point of view, why don’t we start from the surrounding of the patients? The passage conveys, “Other validated treatment methods include Community Reinforcement and Family Training”. This is true because family and community are the main things patients care about the most, in particular for family is the root of patients’ life. If their family help them little by little, it will definitely a huge treatment for the patients because they can feel warmth from the people they love, they know there are still someone take care of them whatever they will be. Also, from the community side, if we can bring more hope to the patients who suffering from addiction it will be much more helpful than physicians and medicines because potential is overwhelming and nothing can defeat the power from people’s inner heart. If we can awake the strength from those addictive patients from their mind they can do much better than we expected. Thus to cure and gives wish to addictive patient our key points is to make their heart beating.
11/17/2013 at 23:06
I think it is very interesting that the article states that self help has been more effective than some of the rehab programs around the country. I have witnessed people close to me try to wane themselves off of addictions and have seen proof that the rehab they went to did not work. It was almost like clockwork- the person would get to their worst state, go to rehab, then relapse within 4-6 months. I remember the only thing working was when the person decided they would be sober on their own.
When we are so addicted to something and the high we get from it, it is difficult to imagine something that would make you strong enough to give that up. I think it is important that the doctors and persons running these addiction recovery programs familiarize themselves with the science that goes behind drug addiction instead of relying on playing on emotions to solve addictions.
I like the point the article made about the rehab centers, the big fancy rehab centers, being a “revolving door.” This struck a chord with me because too often we blame the addict for not staying sober when in reality it is the treatment centers that aren’t doing their full job. I was shocked to learn from this article that there are drugs that prevent relapse but doctors refuse to use them. I would think that medicine would be crucial in the outcome of the patients health but if it truly is because the doctors don’t educate themselves about these drugs then that is horrifying. Everyone should have the right to the best medical treatment, drug addiction becomes a disease, just like the article correlates it with a treating a terminal illness- the issue is that society and apparently the medical field don’t view it that way and until there is more of a sense of urgency it seems the treatment effectiveness will not grow.
11/17/2013 at 23:18
The first step is to get a professional assessment to diagnose the type of treatment required for the particular addiction. A one size fits all approach usually does not work as was stated. The S-R-C association needs to be broken and a correct diagnosis of the addiction and any prevalent psycho/social issues need to be addressed as well for a successful treatment. A heterogenous approach as opposed to a single treatment style just makes sense. Going to a rehab clinic, while possibly beneficial in the short term does not help break the environmental stimuli. I do not believe in the approach of avoiding the environments. There are so many stimuli that could possibly cause relapse that it’s like living with the sword of damocles over one’s head. In the short term this may be a necessary approach but I do not see it as an option for long term success. The cravings the addict experiences must be dealt with. Would a dopamine blocker help? Has it been tried? This would make sense as the long term addict reports they no longer experience the opiate pleasure of the drug but it satisfies the craving. Dopamine is responsible for the craving and if the level of dopamine was safely reduced this may aid with curbing the craving. Then the R-C association can be addressed by the use of naltrexone and delaying tactics. In some cases it may be prudent to administer small doses of the drug to break the associations.
I work in an emergency room and the number of repeat patients that we treat daily for addiction is staggering. It is time to implement scientifically proven methods to combat this epidemic that is adversely affecting our health care system and communities.
11/18/2013 at 01:25
“The first step, she said, is to get an independent assessment of the need for treatment, as well as the kind of treatment needed, by an expert who is not affiliated with the program you are considering. Check on the credentials of the program’s personnel, who should have “at least a master’s degree,” Ms. Fletcher said. If the therapist is a physician, he or she should be certified by the American Board of Addiction Medicine”
Totally agree with this article and what they recommend for people who are going through severe addictions. Especially the part of the article I cited above, the very first thing is to talk with a certified professional in order for you to know the treatment that is going to work best for you. I remember when I took a course on addiction last year. As a final project we were supposed to visit at least three different institutions, meet with them and write about our experience. I must say that the first thing I realized when I visited AA was that they didn’t have an expert around, and even though they say the organization has helped them to get over and control their addiction, I still noticed they really need a certificated opinion in order for them to recognized where their addiction problems are affecting them. I saw people with severe behavioral issues, who in my opinion were not supposed to be there because their issue seemed to be worst. I’m not saying that organizations as AA are not effective, because sobriety is a personal choice and they help people a lot but people should know what’s best for them first before picking a certain place to treat their addiction issues.
11/18/2013 at 07:23
Based on Anne Fletcher, “It should be more than movies, lectures or three-hour classes three times a week…..You should be treated by a licensed addiction counselor who will see you one-on-one. Treatment should be individualized. One size does not fit all.”
Agree with this statement, many people dealing with addiction need more extensive treatment their others because many people have different levels of addictions; Many rehab facilities does not use modern scientific approaches which results to people not getting the proper treatment. Treatment should be based on people’s needs because not every person in society is built the same. Fletcher suggested, many people dealing with addiction should get an assessment of the need for treatment and also selecting an expert who is not affiliated with the program you are considering. This would be a better step to recover from addiction then relapsing. After reading the article, addiction treatment is something that needs to be changed on how we look at addiction, which can be affected, and what can to do make it so everyone has access to help.
11/18/2013 at 08:49
The significance of this article lies in the fact that addiction is a widespread condition and that almost everyone has has some kind of experience with it, whether it be first or second hand. Fletcher brings up an interesting point when she says “The Columbia report found that most addiction treatment providers are not medical professionals and are not equipped with the knowledge, skills or credentials needed to provide the full range of evidence-based services, including medication and psychosocial therapy. The authors suggested that such insufficient care could be considered “a form of medical malpractice.”” I find it odd that there are not certain credentials that must be met in order for someone to be providing treatment to addicts. This is a serious issue and medical malpractice certainly seems like it applies to this issue considering that addicts really do have a condition that is detrimental to their health and without proper treatment this could result in death.
I also found it interesting that the same treatment methods have been in practice for 60 years. Almost every facet of our lives has been updated or upgraded in the past 60 years so it is peculiar that one could still be treated in the same way as patients were 60 years ago without the modern medical knowledge we have today
11/18/2013 at 09:19
“Of the 23.5 million teenagers and adults addicted to alcohol or drugs, only about 1 in 10 gets treatment, which too often fails to keep them drug-free.” I for one no idea what it feels like to be addicted to something. Many people that I know are addicted to cigarettes, chewing tobacco etc. so I see people living with addiction every day. It is sad that there are so many options to help remove the addiction, and so little people take the opportunity, or if they do they later in life on go right back to the addiction problem.
I agree with the comment above that stated “Almost every facet of our lives has been updated or upgraded in the past 60 years so it is peculiar that one could still be treated in the same way as patients were 60 years ago ” People are constantly trying to find a cure for something, or researching new ways to benefit people. In yet there has been no change in the past 60 years, but people are continuously failing at bettering their lives.
11/18/2013 at 10:03
I totally agree with the article a lot of people are getting addict to drugs and we all have a different react to drug different . Treatment should be based on people’s needs because not every person in society is built the same. What the article suggest many people dealing with addiction should get an assessment of the need for treatment and also selecting an expert who is not affiliated with the program you are considering. This would be a better step to recover from addiction then relapsing. After reading the article, people have different view of seem that addiction treatment is something that needs to be changed on how we look at addiction, so we can help people
11/18/2013 at 11:31
I find this to be a very interesting topic because alcoholism and drug use is a common thing in this society today. We all are affected by these things in different ways based off of constant exposure to it whether it is the media glorifying it, use in the community, friends etc. Any of these can be a factor in whether a person starts using or not. According to Jane Brody, 1 in 10 people receive treatment and are constantly failed. While I find that number disturbing, I am not surprised because not only does drugs effect the brain releasing dopamine to make you want more,an individual will forever be influenced by their environment. If a person uses cocaine and their friends use it as well, as soon as that person gets out of treatment and start hanging out with the same group of people, most likely they will continue the use. This results in people spending much wasted time and money because the the practices in the treatment centers do not seem to cover ever aspect of drug addiction. While it is great that we are given the opportunity to fight addiction, they should focus not only on cognitive therapy or use of medicine but even helping an individual make better decisions on what they surround themselves with so they don’t get the dying urge when they get into treatment.
11/26/2013 at 23:21
Yeah! Agreed that people are addicted to alcohol so much these days. These things do affect them but they keep spoiling themselves in spite being familiar about it. Such people should contact a good drug addiction treatment center like Oasis Rehab Center.
04/30/2014 at 05:23
great article, its good food for the thought Check this out
06/09/2014 at 04:24
This is a good post indeed. This is very true, it is up to the person if he/she would really want to quit for good.
06/09/2014 at 04:25
This is a good post indeed. This is very true, it is up to the person if he/she would really want to quit for good.
06/10/2014 at 01:21
This is a very interesting article, honest and useful information. According to the news flashing on our television screens, statistics of youths using or abusing drugs nowadays is increasing. Kids ranging 12 to 17 years of age is allegedly abusing alcohol, taking drugs such as marijuana and heroin, and the most alarming thing is, number of people died in drug overdose are keeping rising everyday. I know someone who used to be a drug addict. We are always trying our best to stop him on his bad habit, but even his own parents can’t do anything about it. Until one day we found him half past dead across his room. As what we suspected, he nearly face death because of heroin overdose. That’s the time he decided to seek help from some professionals who knows how to deal person with addiction problems. According to him, the time he spent in one of the facility in ca substance prevention programs is always counted as the best time he ever had. The people there thought him many wonderful things. But one thing he will never forget, he learned that there are more to life than drugs. My point is, effective addiction treatment is really working. With some great and newer approach program, like the addiction treatment my friend used to admit to, those numbers of kids abusing drugs and alcohol will surely sharply fall little by little. Thank you for this article, I enjoyed reading it.
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