And this is the video I planned to show, but have skipped in class:
11/08/2013 | 77 Comments
And this is the video I planned to show, but have skipped in class:
11/09/2013 at 12:45
I found this video to be so interesting and relevant to what we have been learning in class, in particular the last lecture on the clinical perspectives of instrumental conditioning. It seems silly at first to think of the internet as being something that people can actually become addicted to but this video in combination with what we learned in the lecture really make it easy to see how this is a reality. When he talks about surfing the web and seeing something that interests us, or that we think is funny or shocking and the brain gets a little bit of positive feedback in the reward system of the brain that then makes us want to feel that feeling again. We come to associate the internet with those positive feedback feelings and we seek to feel that feeling again by browsing the internet. It is a really good example of positive reinforcement, the pleasurable high that is referred to when talking about conditioning. I found this example to be very useful in explaining these concepts we have been learning about recently in ways that are relevant to the life of students who, like myself, spend a lot of time on the internet for school and may be prone to other internet distractions. I like that I can begin to understand the science behind what is going on in my brain when I go to distract myself on the internet and why it is rewarding to me.
11/14/2013 at 19:30
This video does a great job relating a common theme of our generation to the larger problem of addiction. The rewards of the internet seem to follow a variable ratio schedule, whereas there is no determining when the reward will be. This is largely the reason the internet seems hard to limit for most of us, and extremely difficult for some individuals. It feels as though sometimes I am browsing the internet with no purpose at first, but am expecting something that made the browsing all the worthwhile. As with other addictions, dopamine is likely to play a large role in internet addiction as well. This may not necessarily mean individuals “like” the internet more, more so that they have a certain craving and “want” to be on the internet more. For those cases of severe internet addiction, treatment would probably range from methods such as extinction to delayed reinforcement. The video showed how behavioral addictions can include many different activities, and how we tend to crave these tendencies due to conditioning.
11/14/2013 at 21:07
This video was awesome! I have never correlated internet addiction with Classical Pavlovian Conditioning. I loved how he talks about Pavlov dogs drooling–which is positive reinforcement compared to internet addiction and how people can be on social networking sites for hours and not get bored. I sometimes wonder myself why I am on instagram and facebook for hours and not get bored of it. In the video he did not mention Instrumental conditioning but I do think what we talked about on Wednesday has a lot to do with internet addiction. Behavioral addiction is when a person gets a positive reinforcement and tries to avoid negative reinforcement. According to the class lecture 1.6% of the general population suffers from playing games of risk . I can just imagine the percentage of the general population suffering from internet addiction is much higher than that. Hopefully by 2020 scientist can find an explanation why so many of use are addicted to the internet.
11/17/2013 at 06:30
I never considered finding particularly interesting things online to be similar to a “reward” but I guess it makes a lot of sense when put in this context. Relating it to different forms of conditioning is something I had never considered before either. It is really scary to think that being addicted to the internet can be like being addicted to gamb#ling because there is no required age for the internet. It also is more socially acceptable to be on the internet than to be wasting all your money in a cas#ino. It is also quite dangerous because children whose minds are not fully developed and are prone to impulsive actions are likely to get addicted to the internet and then it will become habit for them. When all of this is compounded with the 24/7 availability practically anywhere you can imagine, the problem of addiction is likely to keep getting worse.
11/17/2013 at 13:53
Haha! Internet addiction is mentioned in the DSM-5? That’s hilarious!
As someone that lurks on forums for new information, I constantly get that rush when I find something new! Pavlov’s dog salivating at the bell completely correlates with constant click and switch that we do when switching webpages.
To make strict duration of times for work/play is smart. It becomes our “treat” when we have that 5 minutes of reward time after 20 minutes of work (fixed interval.) But at the same time, I can see this as a problem. As Anthony says, he doesn’t follow this as strictly as he would want to. That fixed interval allows us to predict when our reward is coming. We slack off until that reward period comes and indulge.
If there was an app that focused on ratio interval schedules, I believe that productivity could increase.
11/17/2013 at 15:04
This video touches on a profound dilemma that we see across our generation and that is continuing to be an ever growing problem with the following generations.
This video touches on certain aspects on associative learning without really describing neuroanatomical happenings.
While the video employs Pavlov’s dogs and the satiation controlled response, there is also aspects of instrumental conditioning in that there almost seems to be a variable-ratio effect. The host of the show describes that we scroll the internet and will find that thing that creates a euphoric feeling; we don’t know exactly when we’ll find it, but on average we probably come across something that creates this feeling in certain amounts of time.
If there is a release of dopamine, as there would be with other addictions, the reward prediction hypothesis would describe that there would be a burst of activity when there is the unexpected reinforcement – and that eventually the dopamine is released when we turn on tumbler or Facebook…associating those sites with feelings of euphoria.
Behaviorally, it is hard to ignore that people seem to definitely have the ability to become addicted to using the internet. The question is whether or not neuroimaging would find similar activity in the nucleus accumbens as you would see in someone who similar addictions.
11/17/2013 at 20:28
This video correlates with what we have been learning in chapter 8. Positive and negative reinforcements. Before we can judge whether the internet is becoming an addiction on not, we have to take into consideration the overall reward it leaves on the person using it. from our last quiz we noticed that ” Children may misbehave in order to get attention that is associated with being punished, the attention serves as a positive reinforcement for misbehavior. Same with using the internet when you use the internet as a positive reinforcer like getting your work done on time. The reward is making you an efficient person. People with addictions do not have control over what they are doing. I believe the internet can becomes addictive when it is used in a harmful way. Addiction can never be something positive. All the things people get addicted to are the negative things. I’ve never heard anyone make a statement like ” I use the computer to get my homework done on time and its becoming and addiction . I believe there is a thin line between what can be considered an addiction and what can’t. In my perspective, no one can be addicted to the internet, it’s the negative habits developed while using the internet is what could be addictive, even in that sense if there is total control then it’s not addiction. The reward of having the internet is too precious to be considered addictive in any category.
11/17/2013 at 21:53
I found this link interesting because I feel that everyone can relate to this. In chapter 8, we learned about addictions, and how it affects our behavioral addictions and I agree. We all procrastinate and try to multitask in a way that our mind is only interested in. People go on the internet to explore their interests and once they see something interesting, that leads to another link, and it leads to another link and it doesn’t stop. People use the internet to socialize and even go on apps that will make them more unfocused on their work. For instance, posting a comment or picture will make you want to keep checking that out because you either feel good about what you say and you want someone to notice it, like seeking attention. This is how the internet is popular because everyone uses it now. This is why it makes it harder for students to study near technology because they are too focused on what’s popular in the internet, rather than trying to focused on a task.
11/17/2013 at 22:36
This video is so interesting! I’ve been told that for every email you check, it takes 9 minutes for you to refocus on your work. That’s insane! You lose a lot of work time like that. This alone shows how the internet can affect our brains. It’s good that the DSM recognizes this and wants further research to be done. As we all know, having any technology in the classroom almost always becomes a distraction. This is where putting limits or boundaries on the internet comes in. There are multiple apps and different software that block certain sites for a time limit which can help. But I know for myself, if I can’t risk getting distracted, I won’t even bring any iPads or laptops with me.
03/02/2022 at 00:24
03/03/2022 at 06:52
04/28/2022 at 18:12
Quite an interesting and relevant article. I think everyone has their own individual reasons for depending on the Internet, it is best to find a balance between virtual and real-life, for example, I cannot live without the Internet because I use various functions, for example google voice accounts ,this simplifies my work and we know that communication affects decision making
07/12/2022 at 17:17
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10/09/2022 at 07:08
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نقل عفش
10/18/2022 at 08:23
The Internet has become one of the most important parts of modern life, not only because of how much information is available through search engines, but also because it makes it faster and easier to communicate with others. Here you check this concrete company auckland and get more new tips for materials. However, while in some ways the Internet has become essential, it can also be said that it has gone too far. Just like any other addiction or compulsion, Internet addiction can become an issue for many people who are affected by its influence.
01/23/2024 at 22:21
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02/13/2024 at 08:32
Internet addiction stems from a complex interplay of psychological, social, and biological factors. In today’s hyperconnected world, the constant allure of online engagement can lead individuals to prioritize virtual interactions over real-life experiences. Factors such as loneliness, stress, and low self-esteem can exacerbate the urge to escape into the digital realm. Websites like offer insights into the impact of technology on mental health, underscoring the importance of balance in our online lives.
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