By: Jonathan Green

Since 2014, I have served as the resident caretaker of the Suffolk Resolves House (SRH) located in Milton, MA and curator for the Milton Historical Society (MHS). Over the past four years I have answered one question numerous times: “What is it like being the caretaker for a historic house?” Normally when I reply, I try to convey the fun and humor that I find in the position and simply say, “It is always night at the museum!” The truth, however, is a bit more complex. Serving as a resident caretaker requires constant awareness as to what is happening inside and outside the house to preserve the structure and its collections, while also ensuring that the house and grounds remain safe, functional, and attractive spaces for visitors. In applying for the position, I sought a new professional challenge, and I found exactly that.
Resident caretakers must embrace the phrase “other duties as assigned.” Initially I envisioned dedicating most of my time to collections management and interpretation. Instead, I spent the first few months getting to know the house, and occasionally its collections, by dusting, vacuuming, linseed oiling, polishing, clearing out wasp nests, and attempting to get a handle on the house’s mouse problem. Regardless of my professional interests and aspirations, the house always came first, and I had to be prepared to address problems as they developed.
Sure, it is a unique job, but serving as a resident caretaker is a lot like being a homeowner. A resident caretaker, like a homeowner, must focus on maintaining the interior and exterior of the house, as well as the objects stored inside it. Seasons and weather often dictate how and when certain things are to be done. For example, unfinished thresholds require linseed oil every other fall before cold weather sets in. Other duties like checking mouse traps and bait stations, emptying dehumidifiers—the SRH has three—and dusting and vacuuming the house and its collections occur daily, every other day, and weekly, respectively. As the phrase “spontaneous needs” suggests, this only represents a glimpse of required maintenance.

As with anything, however, there are exceptions; in this case two. First, the SRH serves as the MHS’s headquarters. As resident caretaker the MHS’s Board of Trustees acts as my landlord, which means they establish rules, approve expenditures, and determine when the house transitions from private residence to MHS function space. When my wife and I are away from the house longer than twenty-four hours, we have to notify the MHS board, so they can arrange to have someone check the house daily. Other rules include no pets, no children (i.e., dependents living with the caretakers), and the caretakers can only store personal belongings in the three private rooms—bedroom, den, and bathroom—and the kitchen. That adds up to just under 700 square feet- and the kitchen becomes a public space for events. Second, there is no compromise when it comes to what is best for the house and its collections. As resident caretaker my personal tastes regarding décor, ideal interior temperature, and desire (or lack thereof) to conduct maintenance do not matter. While at times the job can be demanding, it is always fun and immensely rewarding.

Nine months each year, my focus turns to public engagement. This happens several ways. Open houses are the most common, when we invite the public to view the house, grounds, and collections. For these events my fellow board members and I don our docent caps and field any number of questions about the house, the MHS’s collections, and Milton’s history.

Fireside Chats in January and February are intimate events that welcome twenty guests to attend a lecture prepared and delivered by the curator at the SRH, complete with cozy fire and refreshments. The Fireside Chats bring together one or more objects from the MHS’s collection to tell a unique and engaging history. My favorite event, however, is the Fifth Grade Tours. In May and June, the SRH is one of several stops on tours that immerses Milton fifth-graders in the town’s historical landscape. After arriving at the SRH, fifth-graders engage in a hands-on Backyard Archaeology activity, and, without fail, these students ask stimulating questions and offer exceptional answers.
For example, when examining a lace-makers lamp we discussed how veteran lace-makers earned the right to sit at first light—right next to the lamp—while less experienced lace-makers sat further from the lamp. One student asked why the more experienced lace-makers needed to sit closer to the lamp. “Aren’t they better at it,” she asked. “So why do they need more light? Don’t the ones [lace-makers] who aren’t as good need more light?” Moments like this, when I did not have an answer, forced me to be the best educator I could by simply admitting I do not know but that I can find the answer. Public engagement like this is what sustains the MHS and is a key component of the caretaker’s responsibilities.

Collaboration is essential. My first week in the position, the MHS president asked my wife, “Are you going to be able to help Jon with all the work? There is a lot of work that goes into this and he’ll need your support.” He was absolutely right. At times, the position can be labor intensive, which is why organizations hiring for resident caretakers frequently hire a dynamic duo rather than a solo caretaker. Plus, resident caretakers cannot know it all. This is why at times I feel something like a general contractor. When the HVAC system’s coolant line malfunctioned in the middle of July, I had to coordinate repairs with the contractor and arrange to have a board member meet the technician at the house because my wife and I could not get off work. You do not have to know everything to care for a historic house, but you do need to be able to troubleshoot, locate experts, and collaborate.
Though you may be doubting it, resident caretakers do have social lives. On average I dedicate about ten hours a week to my responsibilities as caretaker and curator. Most of the duties become part of a weekly routine, so we still go out on weekends. We are even allowed use of the museum spaces to host family and friends. Fun fact: my wife threw my thirtieth birthday party at the house. Just like there is life after thirty, there is life after the duties of caretaker and curator are complete.
After four years serving as resident caretaker and curator for the MHS, there is still never a dull moment. Whether caring for the house and grounds, the diverse collections, or interacting with the public, this job has been one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of my life. The beauty of the position is that it regularly puts you outside your comfort zone, forcing you to directly confront new challenges by learning, adapting, creating, and collaborating. If that does not sound cool, remember that as resident caretaker, it is always night at the museum.
Jonathan Green received his MA in history (public history track) from UMass Boston in 2016. He is currently Assistant Director of Archives and Digital Assets Manager at Stonehill College.