New library guide: Meeting the Challenges of Community-Based and Human Subjects Research in the Remote Mode

In early October 2020, UMass Boston faculty and graduate students were invited to join the Remote Research Sub-Committee of the campus Research Committee for a deep dive into the practical and professional, personal and existential aspects of trying to do community-based and other human subjects research in the remote mode.  This “Remote Research Symposium” generated helpful conversations, networking, suggestions and resource recommendations, all of which inspired the creation of this guide.

With the guidance of the sub-committee and based on resources curated by Associate Professor Rosalyn Negrón,  Healey librarians Teresa Maceira, Lauren Movlai and Lucas Hall organized an extensive reference guide around the topics of the three breakout sessions at the October symposium, which were:

  1. Research Guidance and Scholarship
  2. Remote Research Resources
  3. Work-Life Balance

The new guide’s menu offers a link to each section; we hope you find the included resources to be useful as you navigate the challenges of managing community-based and human subjects research in the remote mode.

Teaching Information Literacy: A New Tool for Faculty and Students

Introducing Credo Instruct

Healey Library is excited to introduce a platform called Credo Instruct, a set of standalone, interactive information literacy modules.  These modules are used in the Library’s in-person instructional program and are also available for independent faculty use.  

Information literacy addresses critical thinking and research skills by teaching students:

  • How to identify an information need
  • Where to locate the information they need
  • How to evaluate the quality and reliability of the information they find
  • How to use the information they find ethically

These interactive Credo Instruct modules include text tutorials, videos, and interactive exercises, and they allow students to test their learning with graded quizzes. The interactive modules include:

How Can Faculty Use Credo Instruct?

Faculty can choose individual videos and activities to incorporate into their classes as needed, or they can assign students to review entire modules. Faculty may select and assign the lessons independently, or they may assign specific modules or lessons to their students to review before a library instruction session. When students view the modules before a session with a librarian, students have more opportunities during that session to engage with library and information resources and expand on larger conversations about research and critical thinking. 

For more information, please review the Faculty Guide to Credo Instruct, which contains the full menu of Credo Instruct learning objects. 

Contact the reference department at if you have questions or need help with the links.

Evaluating Information Module Menu of Lessons
Each video, tutorial, and quiz in Credo Instruct can be used individually or as part of a larger module. Faculty can pick and choose from the Credo Instruct “menu” which lessons they want to incorporate into their course content.
Screenshot of Credo Instruct Plagiarism Video with Transcript
All the videos in Credo Instruct are fully captioned, and video transcripts can be downloaded as separate files. Playback speed can also be adjusted up or down.


Feedback from Faculty and Students

Since the introduction of Credo Instruct this year, faculty feedback has been incredibly positive.  

Faculty have told us:

  • “Tell me how I get your wonderful Credo segments into my class’s Blackboard page, so I can have them well prepared before they come to visit the library.” (Nursing) 
  • “This is great!” (English)
  • “In advance of your visit, I had the students review Credo Instruct, choose a module that would be helpful for them, and then write a short paragraph explaining why the info was helpful.” (Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures)

Students have told us:

  • They like the content, pacing, and activities, especially the Test Your Knowledge segments. 
  • The citation activities give them a better understanding of what a citation is and its different parts.
  • Viewing the module Presenting Research and Data gives them an understanding of how to synthesize information for a research paper. One student said, “In high school, I never even thought about where information was coming from. My teacher would give me an article and tell me to write about it. I didn’t have to do research; in high school everything was given to me. Until I viewed the module, I didn’t realize how complicated information is.”
  • “I watched the Evaluating Information module. My main takeaway was how ineffective Google is when evaluating for quality.”

Review the Faculty Guide to Credo Instruct, and contact for more information about using these modules in your classes!

Healey Library: We’ve Got You Covered

Umbrella picture with the text: Welcome to Healey Library! We've Got You Covered
Welcome to Healey Library: We’ve Got You Covered

We want to begin the new school year by reaffirming our mission to support our users. “We’ve Got You Covered” is our commitment to the campus and our community partners. If you need something, we will do everything we can to try to get it for you, whether it’s a specific research resource, research or classroom support, or any of the services offered by Healey Library staff. We’re here to help you and your students succeed, so please let us know what we can do for you.

New Resources at Healey Library!

Healey Library is pleased to share some new resources with you, including a trial resource on which we are seeking feedback!


Enjoy the print magazine experience on your computer or phone screen. Flipster digitally recreates print magazines, page for page, complete with high-quality, full-color images (and cartoons!). Healey Library’s subscription provides access to issues from the last 3 years for these 10 popular magazines:

You can search for these magazines in UMBrella or find Flipster on our Databases A-Z list. Be sure to also check out the Flipster app for Android and iOS.

Skillsoft (formerly Books 24×7)

Access e-books and audiobooks covering business analysis, business skills, engineering, information technology, productivity tools, and personal well-being via Healey Library’s subscription to Skillsoft. You can also search for these books in UMBrella. Skillsoft’s new and improved platform is mobile-compatible, offers enhanced accessibility, and gives users the ability to take notes, save items to their personal bookshelf, and download PDF chapters of books. Here are a few of the latest releases available via Skillsoft:   

ATTENTION FACULTY! If you have previously used Books 24×7 books in your classes as assigned or suggested readings, please update the links to direct to the new Skillsoft platform. Contact for any help with updating your links to course materials.

AccessMedicine (trial resource ending April 25)

Healey Library is currently offering trial access to AccessMedicine, a McGraw Hill collection of professional resources for nursing and health science students and faculty. These resources are a mixture of medical textbooks, such as Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, and online teaching tools, such as animated anatomy modules and procedural videos. This collection was designed to help residents, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants facilitate decision-making at the point-of-care.

The library welcomes and encourages feedback on this trial resource from all of our users. In particular, we’re interested in the response from faculty in the College of Nursing and Health Sciences. Would faculty consider using the textbooks in this collection as the primary text for their courses? Let us know!

Welcome Back: Spring 2019 Healey Library News

Hello to Healey Library patrons near and far!

Welcome back to campus after what we hope was a restful and rejuvenating break. To kick off the spring semester, we wanted to bring your attention to a few hot Healey Library news items about library email reminders, lowering textbook costs for students, and upcoming OER orientations for faculty:

UMBrella Email Notifications

Library patrons will begin receiving email reminders about their Library items.

As of February 1, all Healey Library patrons will receive courtesy notices about what you’ve borrowed, reminders when things are coming due or overdue, and reminders of your current borrowing status. Items that are long overdue could be subject to lost book charges, so check your bookshelves and couch cushions for lurking library materials! Please contact with any questions, concerns, or corrections.

Lowering Textbook Costs for Students

Here are five pathways you can pursue in partnership with Healey Library and IT to offer no-cost or low-cost textbook alternatives to your students:


  • Use licensed e-books that are already available through UMBrella
  • Link to licensed journal and newspaper articles from Healey Library databases in password-protected Blackboard course pages
  • Submit a digitization request for scanned chapters of library books and e-books (note that these requests may be subject to copyright and fair use guidelines)

Open Education Info for Faculty

To learn more about the growing Open Education movement, please consider attending a FREE regional training event about the Massachusetts Open Education – Achieving Access for All project.

These events are funded by the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education and will provide an introduction to teaching and learning with free and open educational resources and will also offer faculty the opportunity to receive a $200 stipend for reviewing an existing open textbook for the benefit of colleagues. Training workshops take place 10am-2pm at the following locations:

  • February 8, 2019: University of Massachusetts, Amherst
  • March 12, 2019: Bridgewater State University
  • March 14, 2019: Worcester State University
  • March 20, 2019: Roxbury Community College

For questions about any of these resources, please reach out to or

As always, we look forward to partnering with you to serve UMass Boston’s students, faculty, researchers, and community partners.

With all best wishes for a wonderful start to the semester,
Joanne Riley, Interim Dean, and the Healey Library Staff

Open Access Week 2018 at Healey Library

October 22-28, 2018, is Open Access Week! To celebrate, come to a viewing of Paywall: The Business of Scholarship!

  • What: Group viewing and discussion of this investigation into the $25 billion for-profit scholarly publishing industry (that is, the big commercial publishers as opposed to non-profit, university presses) from the perspective of the open access movement
  • When: Tuesday, October 23, 1:30-3:00pm, and Friday, October 26, 1:00-2:30pm
  • Where: Center for Active Learning and Library Instruction (CALLI), H-04-015
  • Who: All faculty, staff, and students at UMass Boston are invited to join us

There are a lot of reasons to support  Open Access (OA) and Open Educational Resources (OERs). The Open Access movement is driven by the ideal that we all benefit when high-quality information is made freely available. It’s a strongly democratic idea, as it holds that our current publishing system privileges those who are able to pay for access (either individually or through association with a college or university). Many people have come to see these barriers to information as an issue of social inequality, and the move to democratize our publishing models has prompted global declarations and support, including UNESCO’s Paris OER Declaration and the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities.

Closer to home, both the United States and Europe have issued mandates stating that publicly funded research must be made available via open access within a limited time frame after publication. Individual institutions, including UMass Boston, are also adopting open access publishing policies for their own researchers. The Faculty Council at UMass Boston adopted a campus-wide open access policy in 2012. And when it comes to our students, researchers have found that students frequently choose not to purchase textbooks because of cost, knowing that this decision may negatively impact their grades. Further, they don’t register for classes, or register for fewer classes overall, due to textbook cost, impacting persistence and time to degree completion.

Healey Library provides access to ScholarWorks, UMass Boston’s own open access institutional repository. ScholarWorks is the digital collection of UMass Boston’s intellectual, research, and scholarly output that centralizes, makes accessible, and preserves knowledge produced by the institution. Visit the ScholarWorks homepage to watch as materials uploaded to ScholarWorks by the UMass Boston community are accessed by users around the world.

UMass Boston and Healey Library are deeply committed to these ideals. We hope you can join the staff of Healey Library for a viewing and discussion of Paywall: The Business of Scholarship. This one-hour, open access documentary takes a deep dive into the for-profit publishing industry, and we’d love to hear about your own experiences navigating this process as both a reviewer and an author.

Happy Open Access Week! Healey Library celebrates unfettered access to high-quality information at all times, but especially this week!

sponsored by Healey Library, IT and Student Government in collaboration with MassPIRG

Monday, October 22nd ScholarWorks – Live Updates 9:00am to 4:00pm Library Entrance – 2nd Floor
Tuesday, October 23rd ScholarWorks – Live Updates 9:00am to 4:00pm Library Entrance – 2nd Floor
A Faculty Presentation on using ‘Open’ content – Prof. Brian White 12:30pm to 1:00pm CALLI – 4th Floor Library
Screening of the documentary – PayWall – The Business of Scholarship 1:30 pm to 3 pm CALLI – 4th Floor Library
Wednesday, October 24th ScholarWorks – Live Updates 9:00am to 4:00pm Library Entrance – 2nd Floor
The cost of education – A Student Perspective 12:30pm to 1:30pm CALLI – 4th Floor Library
Thursday, October 25th Benefits of Open Access Publishing – A Presentation by Andrew Elder on ScholarWorks 12:30pm to 1:30pm CALLI – 4th Floor Library
Friday, October 25th Screening of the documentary – PayWall – The Business of Scholarship 1:00pm to 2:30pm CALLI – 4th Floor Library


Updates from UMass Boston's Healey Library