I would like to introduce myself as the liaison for the Art and Performing Arts Departments. As a liaison and resource for the departments, I facilitate access to the growing list of library resources, and communicate the various library services for faculty and students and much more.
I work in the University Archives and Special Collections within the Healey Library and have a background in fine arts and specialize in painting. From this perspective, I’d like to share some of the resources the library has that faculty and students in Art, Music and Performing Arts can use for their classes and art making.
There are a lot of resources available to faculty and students and can be overwhelming and often hidden in plain sight. To help navigate this landscape, the library has available a list of research guides by subject. Several research guides exist for Art, Music, and Theatre Arts. Each contains links to images, faculty publications, videos and film, music, primary sources, books, articles and content for student assignments or faculty preparation for class assignments. Clicking on “Help” in the left column provides a list of options such as citation assistance, email, chat or call a librarian for further assistance.
The Art Research Guide contain links for images, such as ARTstor, Art Full Text and Oxford Art Online to name a few, faculty publications, and videos and film through VAST: Academic Video Online.
More videos are available by clicking “Find Videos”. I particularly like Kanopy Streaming Video and Films on Demand for its large selection of films in a variety of subjects.
The Music Research Guide found under Arts & Music also offers the same access to films alongside several great databases such as Naxos Music Library and RILM Abstracts of Music Literature

which includes a wide range of resources from articles to concert review and recording notes.
The Theatre Arts Research Guide found under the Arts & Music guide, provides links to Theatre Video which offers access to performances and films.
The Cambridge Companions Online provides a rich resource of literature, essays, and the classics.
These guides can help you get started. If you need research assistance schedule an appointment with a Reference Librarian. If you are faculty and interested in resources and databases that aren’t available, contact liaison Meghan.bailey@umb.edu, there is a chance these resources are available elsewhere or the library may consider a trial. If you would like to schedule a librarian to conduct an instruction session for your class contact us. Visit our web page for more detailed information about our instruction services.