Category Archives: Announcements

Quick note about an event or service reminder…with or without a deadline.

Curious about using Apps for teaching and research?

UMass Boston Librarians and Educational Technologists are offering hands-on workshops!  iPad Workshop Promotional Handout Spring 2016

Add mobile apps to your research tool kit. Attend 1…or all 5 iPad workshops and get hands-on experience with educational apps through engaging exercises aimed at exploring the potential of research apps.

Join Librarian Teresa Maceira and Adaptive Technology Specialist Matt McCubbin in this series of sessions covering a variety of apps for searching our databases, access e-journals and e-books, discover and organize online content, create quick and easy presentations, and learn about accessibility features on Apple devices.

Feel free to share this announcement with colleagues and students –the workshops are open to everyone!


  • Tuesday, February 16,  1:00-2:00pm
    Featured Apps: Browzine, Financial Times, RefME, Bluefire Reader
  • Tuesday, March 1, 10:00-11:00am
    Featured Apps:  PubMed, Gale Databases, EBSCOhost Databases,
  • Wednesday, March 23, 3:00-4:00pm
    Featured Apps: Evernote, Dropbox, Pocket, and Flipboard
  • Thursday, April 7, 11:00am-12:00pm
    Featured Speaker: Matt McCubbin, Adaptive Technology Specialist
    Featured Apps: Voice Dream Reader and Apple iOS Assistive Technology Features
  • Monday, April 25, 12:00-1:00pm
    Featured Apps: Prezi, Educreations, Haiku Deck, Google Slides


All workshops will be held in the Center for Library Instruction, Healey-04-015


To register: IT Training Portal


University Libraries

Information Technology Learning Commons

Open Access at UMass Boston



Did you know that in October 2012, Faculty Council at UMass Boston approved a campus-wide open access policy? The policy, the full text of which is available here, demonstrates the faculty’s and university’s commitment to expanding the reach of scholarship and research out of UMass Boston.

The open access policy requires faculty members to provide an electronic copy of the author’s final version of an article (the pre-published, non-branded version), unless an exemption is requested, to a ScholarWorks administrator in the Healey Library by the date of publication. Copies of articles should be submitted to

2012.10.01-Open-Access-Policy-20ac963To assist faculty members with informing publishers about UMass Boston’s open access policy, we’ve put together a range of materials outlining these policies and have drafted templates for amending contracts with publishers. These materials are available on the For Authors page on ScholarWorks at UMass Boston. To view the policy and to learn more about negotiating agreements with publishers, visit

ScholarWorks at UMass Boston is a hosted, open access, institutional repository that makes faculty publications openly searchable and accessible, raising your college’s visibility and reach throughout the world. ScholarWorks can include preprints, author’s accepted manuscripts (post-prints), and final copies of journal articles, as well as working papers, dissertations and theses, conference proceedings, posters, presentations, video and audio, data sets (with some limitations), and a variety of formats and content types. A service of the Joseph P. Healey Library, content on ScholarWorks is indexed and accessible via search engines like Google. Learn more and explore the existing collection of materials at

To arrange an appointment with me to discuss ScholarWorks and open access, email or call 617-287-5944. I’m happy to meet one-on-one or with small groups, or even to attend department meetings.