Expert Gallery Suite (EGS, also known as “SelectedWorks”) will be retired by Elsevier on December 31st, 2024, after which data profiles and content will not be accessible. This includes the modules SelectedWorks, the Impact Dashboard, and the Expert Galleries. All pages and metrics will be permanently removed. If you would like a copy, it is very important that you save your content and any data in advance.
What does this mean for Expert Gallery Suite users?
ALL Expert Gallery Suite (EGS) profiles will be completely removed from the web effective December 31st, 2024. Additionally, we will be unable to provide any assistance regarding SelectedWorks profiles or the Expert Gallery Suite after the sunset occurs.
What do I need to do before December 31st, 2024?
In order to retain a copy of your works, statistics or records, we recommend that you:
- Log into your EGS profile.
- Save a copy of all of your content. You can do this by directly downloading onto your device, manually uploading to cloud storage, or using a reference manager like Zotero.
- Save any metrics you would like to retain from your author dashboard (click on the hamburger menu in the top right horizontal navigation to navigate to “Author Dashboard”).
Further Action-Items for Authors:
- Upload your content directly into ScholarWorks. Any information that was pulled into ScholarWorks from Expert Gallery Suite will need to be uploaded directly into ScholarWorks, or it will be lost. For more information, please visit our ScholarWorks LibGuide.
- Note: ScholarWorks is NOT the same thing as SelectedWorks. ScholarWorks is UMass Boston’s Institutional Repository, and it is here to stay. Ensure that your content has been uploaded by visiting scholarworks.umb.edu and clicking “Submit Your Work” on the left side navigation menu.
- Update your email signature and any other locations that link to your SelectedWorks/Expert Gallery Suite profile.
- Visit Elsevier’s SelectedWorks Guide for Authors for further information.
Options for you after Expert Gallery Suite ends:
- Move your Expert Gallery Suite content into ScholarWorks
- Put your profile information on the UMass Boston Directory. Please note that the UMB Directory is separate from the Expert Gallery Suite and ScholarWorks platforms.
- The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs in collaboration with Healey Library will be rolling out a new faculty profile platform for tenured and tenure track faculty, as well as select institute and research center staff. This platform should be ready in Spring of 2025. The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) and the Vice Provost for Research (VPR) will be sending out more information to the faculty, colleges, research centers and institutes in the coming weeks about the roll out.
Join Us!
Join Healey Library for our Introduction to ScholarWorks Zoom Workshop on February 11th. We will be addressing topics like browsing the repository, submitting your work, copyright and fair use considerations, and finding your author statistics.
(CLOSED) January 15th Intro to ScholarWorks, 1pm-2pm.
Register for our February 11th Intro to ScholarWorks, 1pm – 2pm.
For further information:
If you do not remember your password, you can use the “Forgot your password?” link to reset it. Please contact egs-support@elsevier.com if you need assistance.
If you have questions about the Expert Gallery Suite sunset, please contact scholarworks@umb.edu.
For information about further resources and tools to host your research and scholarship, please contact Christine Moynihan, Scholarly Communications, Data and Affordable Learning Librarian at christine.moynihan@umb.edu.