Citation Management Platforms

As of May 26, 2017, Healey Library will no longer be providing access to RefWorks. For over a decade, RefWorks has been licensed by Healey Library as our primary citation management platform, but the time has come to replace it with more sophisticated, cost-free citation management tools such as Zotero and Mendeley.

Please do not worry if you are currently using RefWorks for an assignment or research project that will be completed before the end of the academic year. We will continue to support and provide access to RefWorks for the remainder of the academic year, so students, faculty, staff, and alumni are certainly welcome to continue to use it up until we discontinue our subscription on May 26, 2017. If you no longer use RefWorks, your account will be deleted, and no further action is needed.

The Library encourages you, however, to consider your options for adopting a new citation management platform. The Library is offering assistance during this transition as follows:

  • Librarians already have workshops available in selecting a citation manager as well as training in both Zotero and Mendeley. These workshops are available to all faculty, staff, and students and will be offered throughout the Spring semester as well.
  • Librarians have prepared online documentation to assist all community members in the transition from RefWorks.  You will find in this link clear instructions on how to export your reference library from RefWorks into another citation manager.  You will also find a comparison of different citation management programs to help you choose a new citation management platform to use.

Please contact Mary Moser, Deputy Manager for Outreach, Marketing, Fundraising, and Grants at or 617.287.3207 with any questions, concerns, or feedback. Thank you for your patience and your continued support of Healey Library!