UMass Boston Librarians Presenting at ACRL/NEC 2015 Conference

ACRL NEC logoThe ACRL/NEC Annual Conference is on Friday, May 8, 2015 at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, MA. The theme of the conference is “Spacing Out with the Library: An Exploration of Collaboration Across the Physical, Virtual and those Places in Between”.

The conference description notes “as the academic library evolves, it is wherever students and faculty are conducting research and learning, and within physical and virtual spaces intentionally designed to encourage scholarship, collaboration and production. Librarians and our colleagues across our campuses and beyond are actively engaged in building and assessing the most useful discovery services, the most valuable collections, the most cost-effective learning resources, the most effective collaborative spaces … for the best education and research. What does it take to expand “the library” beyond its traditional physical space? With whom are we working to expand our services?” 

To help answer some of these questions, University of Massachusetts Boston Librarians, Teresa Maceira and Danitta Wong will give a presentation titled Campus-wide connectivity/instruction: How a mobile iPad cart facilitates library instruction beyond the traditional physical classroom. They will share cognitive principles informing the use of technology to promote learning, collaboration strategies, case studies, online tools, challenges, and successes of integrating iPads into library instruction.

University of Massachusetts Boston Archivists Meghan Bailey, Andrew Elder, and Jessica Holden will present a poster titled “Save Our History!” Preserving the Past at UMass Boston.

The poster “outlines the various collecting activities, outreach methods, digitization projects and dogged detective work that resulted in the addition of more than 2,500 linear feet of unique historic materials to the University Archives, as well as a number of well-received public events and exhibitions…sparked by the 50th anniversary of the founding of the University of Massachusetts Boston”.

The above text is quoted from the ACRL/NEC conference page.