Dean’s Welcome

Greetings, and welcome to our Library Update!  This newsletter was developed by librarians and other staff with you in mind, to keep you in the know on the latest happenings in the Healey Library.

Where change is the only constant, Healey Library has a long tradition of customer service that’s part of our mission and vision for state-of-the-art services.  The evolution and revolution continues with 24/7/365 access as one of the most important library goals to provide service regardless of where you are.  To this effect, electronic and print resources have grown and now full-text ebooks and journals have surpassed print holdings in the building.   Along with great resources and tools like Academic Search Complete and ProQuest Central, you can find highly specialized databases like IEEE Xplore and the Bibliography of Asian Studies.

If you cannot find what you need, the library can find it for you.  Check out interlibrary loan and document delivery for finding what you need going beyond the the library’s own collections.

Library staff and librarians put our users closer to the information resources in person or via online help modes.  The library instruction program is aimed to match learning objectives and help students strategize to find the best articles, books, websites, and open access resources to write better papers and develop class and research related projects. The library wants to help you get ahead and at the top!

Another cool area  you might not know about is the University Archives and Special Collections which has lots of material on the history of the campus, print manuscripts, and online resources for your research.  Check it out!

On another note, the library has reconfigured seating on the 3rd and the 8th floors to add more spaces for study.  Please do give us your feedback– we very much want to hear what you have to say!