Jessica Carilli

School for the Environment, University of Massachusetts Boston

100 Morrissey Blvd., Boston MA 02125 USA


Phone: 1-760-815-2629


PhD, Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO), August 2009

University of California, San Diego (UCSD), CA, USA

BS, Environmental Systems/Earth Science, Cum Laude, June 2003

University of California, San Diego, CA, USA



2014-present   Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts Boston. Human impacts on the coastal environment.

2010-2013       Postdoctoral Fellow, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization, Sydney Australia. Tropical Pacific climate change; ecological responses to climate change and local human impacts.

2003-2009       PhD Student, SIO UCSD. Dissertation title: Century-scale records of coral health and water quality from the Mesoamerican Reef reveal increasing anthropogenic stress and decreasing coral resilience. First year project: Changes in the carbon cycle across the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum.

 2002-2003       Intern, Natural Reserve System UCSD. Outreach, monitoring and infrastructure improvement at four reserves.

2001                Research Assistant, SIO UCSD. Analyzed magnetic susceptibility of rock samples to determine grain fabric.

2000-2001       Research Assistant, Stanford University. Isolated barite from bulk sediment cores       for use in paleoceanographic applications.


PUBLICATIONS (*Mentee author)

Carilli J, Schöne B, Krause R, Fallon S, Williams B (2015) “Sclerochronology contaminant archives of corals, bivalves, sclerosponges, and coralline algae,” in Environmental Contaminants: Using natural archives to track sources and long-term trends of pollution. Editors: Jules M. Blais, Michael R. Rosen, John P. Smol (Springer).

Carilli J, McGregor H, Gaudry J*, Gagan M, Donner S, Stevens S, Wong H, Fink D (2015) Reply to comment on “Equatorial Pacific coral geochemical records show recent weakening of the Walker Circulation” by Karnauskas et al. Paleoceanography 30(5), 575–582.

Carilli J, McGregor H, Gaudry J*, Gagan M, Donner S, Stevens S, Wong H, Fink D (2014) Equatorial Pacific coral geochemical records show recent weakening of the Walker Circulation. Paleoceanography, 29(11), 1031-1045.

Kwiatkowski L, Cox P, Halloran P, Mumby P, Economou T, Carilli J, Booth B (2013) Anthropogenic aerosol emissions drive variations in Caribbean coral growth. Nature Geoscience DOI: 10.1038/ngeo1780.

Carilli J, Charles CD, Garren M, McField M, Norris RD (2013) Baseline shifts in coral skeletal oxygen isotopic composition: a signature of symbiont shuffling? Coral Reefs 32: 559-571.

Carilli J, Walsh S (2012) Benthic foraminiferal assemblages from Kiritimati (Christmas) Island indicate increased nutrification has occurred on a decadal scale. Marine Ecology Progress Series 456: 87-99.

Carilli J, Donner S, Hartmann A* (2012) Historical temperature variability affects coral response to heat stress. PLoS ONE 7(3): e34418.

Winkler SR, Steier P, Carilli J, Eigl M (2012) Bomb fall-out 236U as a global ocean tracer using an annually resolved coral core. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 359: 124-130 

Carilli J, Godfrey J*, Norris RD, Smith J, Sandin S (2010) Green bands in Montastraea faveolata corals may represent periods of low-level stress. Bulletin of Marine Science 86(3): 709-718.

Hartmann A*, Carilli J, Norris RD, Charles CD (2010) Stable isotopic records of bleaching and endolithic algae blooms in the skeleton of the boulder forming coral Montastraea faveolata. Coral Reefs 29(4): 1079-1089.

Carilli J, Norris RD, Black B, Walsh S, McField M. (2010) Century-scale records of coral growth rates indicate that local stressors reduce coral thermal tolerance threshold. Global Change Biology 16(4): 1247-1257.

Carilli J, Norris RD, Black B, Walsh S, McField M. (2009) Local stressors reduce coral resilience to bleaching. PLoS ONE 4(7): e6324.

Carilli J, Prouty NG, Hughen K, Norris RD. (2009) Century-scale records of land-based activities recorded in Mesoamerican coral cores. Marine Pollution Bulletin 58(12): 1835-1842.

Saenger C, Cohen AL, Oppo DW, Halley RB, Carilli JE (2009) Low-latitude north Atlantic sea surface temperature trends and variability since 1552. Nature Geoscience 2: 492-495.

Prouty NG, Hughen K, Carilli J (2008) Geochemical signature of land-based activities in Caribbean coral surface samples. Coral Reefs 27(4): 727-742.



Courses taught

2015 Earth’s Dynamic Systems Laboratory, UMass Boston

2015 Earth’s Dynamic Systems Lecture, UMass Boston

2014 Senior Thesis Writing, Environmental Systems Program, UCSD

2014 Earth History and Paleoclimate, University of San Diego, CA

2014 Introduction to Earth Systems, University of San Diego, CA

2013 Natural Disasters Laboratory, University of San Diego, CA

2009 Introduction to Oceanography, Miracosta College, Oceanside, CA

2009 Senior Thesis Writing, Environmental Systems Program, UCSD

2008 The Oceans, UCSD

Teaching Assistant

2009 The Earth, UCSD

2005, 2006, 2007 Introduction to Earth and Environmental Sciences, UCSD

2005, 2006 The Power of the Oceans: Natural Disasters, UCSD Summer Discovery

Teaching Assistant Award, academic year 2008-2009


Advisor, PhD students

2015-present Sean McNally, UMass Boston

Committee member, PhD students

2014-present Alan Stebbins, UMass Boston

2014-present Monica Velez-Ortiz, UMass Boston

Honors students

2012 Jessica Gaudry, University of Wollongong

2011-12 Brent King, University of Queensland

2010-11 Shanee Stopnitsky, University of Queensland

PhD student first year projects

2008-9 Aaron Hartmann, UCSD

UMass Boston Undergraduate independent research projects

4 students

UCSD Environmental Systems Program senior internships

           3 students

UCSD Undergraduate independent research projects

5 students


2007-2009 Scripps Community Outreach Program for Education. Coordinated and participated in outreach events for SIO


2014 Guest lecturer, Coasts and Communities, UMass Boston

2013-present Expert reviewer, Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network

2011 Reefs at Risk Revisited: Reef Stories, World Resources Institute


2013-present Saltwater Science at

State Finalist

2013 Fresh Science competition; participated in media outreach training, May 2

AGU Outstanding Student Presentation Awards

2014 Coordinator for Paleoceanography & Paleoclimate Focus Group


2015-2017       NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program Grant

2010-2013       Postdoctoral Fellowship, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization

2009                Mia Tegner Memorial Research Grant, Marine Conservation Biology Institute 2007                      PADI Foundation Grant

2007                Edna Bailey Sussman Foundation Internship

2004-2006       Whole Earth Society Grants (2)

2003-2004       Regents Fellowship, UCSD



2015 “Coral reefs as paleo-recorders of human impacts on coastal environments,” Northeastern University

2015 “Coral reefs as paleo-recorders of human impacts on coastal environments,” University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill

2015 “Human alteration of coastal water quality, and impacts on marine life,” UMass Dartmouth

2014 “Fossil corals from Kiritimati data: records of changing ocean circulation,” San Diego Coral Club

2012 “Coral Forensics: What core samples tell us about coral reef health,” University of San Diego

2011 “Recent work in reef paleoecology,” University of Queensland

2011 “Higher background thermal variability leads to increased coral resistance to bleaching,” Australian Institute of Marine Science

2010 “Assessing human impacts on coral reefs using the (very) recent geologic record,” University of Queensland

2008 “Why I dragged at 250 lb compressor across Central America,” San Diego Coral Club

2008 “Coral reefs and climate change,” Southwest Marine/Aquatic Educators Association

2008 “Decreasing coral growth rates and resilience on the Mesoamerican Reef,” Hopkins Marine Station

2008 “Coral forensics: Using clues from coral rings to inform management decisions,” Perspectives on Ocean Science, Birch Aquarium



2014 Carilli J, McGregor H, Gaudry J, Gagan M, Donner S, Stevens S, Wong H, Fink D (2014) Equatorial Pacific coral geochemical records show recent weakening of the Walker Circulation.

2012 Carilli J, Donner S, Pandolfi J, Hartmann A “How do historical background conditions affect the coral bleaching threshold?” 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns, Australia, July 2012.

2011 Carilli J, Walsh S “Benthic foraminiferal assemblages from Kiritimati (Christmas) Island indicate increased nutrification has occurred on a decadal scale.” Abstract EP31D-0839 presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, December 2011.

2011 Carilli J, Charles CD, Garren M, McField M, Norris RD “Symbiodinium clade affects coral skeletal isotopic ratio.” Abstract PP41A-1736 presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, December 2011.

2010 Carilli J, Norris RD, Black B, Walsh S, McField M “Local stress reduces coral resistance and resilience to bleaching.” Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR, February 2010.

2009 Carilli J “Reducing human induced local stress helps corals cope with warming waters.” Beyond the Obituaries: Success Stories in Ocean Conservation; Symposium Preceding the first International Marine Conservation Congress, Washington, DC, May 2009.

2008 Carilli J, Norris R, Hughen K, Prouty N “150 years of coral growth rates and water quality on the Mesoamerican Reef.” 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Fort Lauderdale, FL, July 2008. 

2008 Carilli J, Norris R, Black B “Tree ring techniques and Mesoamerican coral reefs.” Ameridendro, Vancouver, Canada, June 2008.

2008 Carilli J, Hughen K, Norris R, Grumet (Prouty) N “Coral Barium/Calcium records of increased sedimentation onto the Mesoamerican Reef.” Ocean Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, March 2008.

2007 Godfrey J, Carilli J, Norris R “Periodic endolithic algal blooms in Montastraea faveolata corals.” First International Sclerochronology Conference, St. Petersburg, FL, July 2007.

2007 Carilli J, Grumet (Prouty) N, Hughen K, Norris R “Coral skeletal records of heavy metal pollution from the Mesoamerican Reef.” First International Sclerochronology Conference, St. Petersburg, FL, July 2007.

2007 Carilli J, Prouty N, Hughen K, Norris R “Coral skeletal records of water quality change in Mesoamerica.”  Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract PP31C-0538, San Francisco, CA, December 2007.

2007 Prouty N, Hughen K, Carilli J “Geochemical signature of land-based activities in Caribbean coral surface samples.” Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract PP31A-0175, San Francisco, CA, December 2007.



July 2014                    Coral core collection, US Virgin Islands

October 2010              Coral core collection, Line Islands Expedition, USA and Kiribati

May 2010                   Coral core collection, Gilbert Islands, Kiribati

August 2009               Reef sediment collection and coral surveys, Kiritimati Atoll

June 2008                    North American Dendroecological Field Week

July 2006, 2007          Coral core collection, Utila and Cayos Cochinos, Honduras

January 2006, 2007    Coral core collection, Turneffe Atoll and Sapodilla Cayes, Belize

October 2005              Coral surveys, water sampling, multiple sites, Belize

June 2005                    Fossil coral core collection, Tabuaeran, Kiribati

June 2004                    Collection of soil carbonate nodules, Badlands, Wyoming

May 2003                   Ocean floor mapping, Hawaii to San Diego




UMass Boston dive safety committee


UMass Boston graduate admissions committee

UMass Boston Environmental Analytical Facility committee

2012 Postdoctoral representative: ANSTO institute review

2010-2013 Postdoctoral representative: ANSTO IER Management Committee


International Society for Reef Studies

American Geophysical Union



Nature Climate Change

Journal of Geophysical Research

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

Limnology and Oceanography

Marine Pollution Bulletin

Global Change Biology

Marine Ecology Progress Series


Climatic Change

Coral Reefs



National Science Foundation



2014 Broadening Access to the Earth and Environmental Sciences, AGU fall meeting

2009 Pursuing an Academic Career in the Geosciences, Las Vegas NV

2008 Forward to Professorship, Washington DC



2014 Nature World News

2012 Sydney Morning Herald

2012 Cosmos Magazine

2012 New Zealand Herald

2012 Live interview with Radio Australia

2012 Radio New Zealand International

2010 The Scientist Magazine



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