UMass Boston

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How Housing Plus Services Addresses Senior Needs

By Meghan Hendricksen A shortage of affordable housing for seniors will pose a huge challenge for the United States in the years ahead. But finding homes for those elders is only part of the solution, according to Alisha Sanders. Helping… Continue Reading →

An Insider’s Look at Battle Over Future of Affordable Care Act, Medicaid

The future of federal policy toward health care, potentially affecting many millions of Americans, became the hottest of all front-burner issues immediately following Election Day last year. The next president had made repeal of the Affordable Care Act a leading… Continue Reading →

Measuring Dementia Caregiver Mindset That Can Impact Well-Being at Work

By Meghan Hendricksen The way professional caregivers of persons with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia think about dementia can have a significant impact on their well-being at work. The risks of burnout and negative emotions are clear. Lena Kunz… Continue Reading →

Dr. Renee Beard Examines Risk of “Social Demotion” With Early Alzheimer’s Diagnosis

By Meghan Hendricksen The early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease or other cognitive impairment can be more than a medical finding. It can become a new and serious challenge to a person’s social identity. That was one of the findings from… Continue Reading →

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