“My life has changed in a direction I never would have seen it gohad I not been an MAS student. I hope to make you all proudas I move forward in my career in aging.”Sophia Casale, MAS ’23, lifestylist, Chelsea… Continue Reading →
Sung Park, assistant professor of gerontology, and Richard Viskochil, assistant professor of exercise and health science, received the Manning College of Nursing and Health Sciences’ Interdisciplinary Research Award (MIRA) for their project, Linking Physical Activity to Cognitive Functioning: Examining Alternative… Continue Reading →
“My life has changed in a direction I never would have seen it go in had I not been an MAS student. I hope to make you all proud as I move forward in my career in aging.”—Sophia Casale, MAS… Continue Reading →
The Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services has awarded UMass Boston Gerontology a $410,000 grant to pilot a program aimed at strengthening the aging services workforce. The innovative program, a collaboration with four Boston-area aging services agencies, is… Continue Reading →
This article originally appeared on the UMass Boston News web page. We all take different paths in life and, if we’re lucky, we have mentors guiding us along the way. As an undergraduate psychology major, 20-year-old Ellen Birchander was on… Continue Reading →
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