UMass Boston’s Center for Social and Demographic Research on Aging (CSDRA) is serving as project evaluator for a three-year grant program, Activating Boston, that aims to build and support social connections, health, and well-being in four city neighborhoods. The initiative… Continue Reading →
The Boston Public Health Commission has named UMass Boston gerontology doctoral student Adriana Hernandez to its Boston BOLD Stakeholder Coalition. Hernandez, who holds the university’s inaugural Frank Caro Scholarship for Social Justice in Aging, will help shape the City of… Continue Reading →
Caitlin Coyle, PhD ‘14, is featured among a handful of fellow leaders in aging in a new podcast, ReiMAgine Aging, produced by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs in partnership with Point32Health Foundation and the Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative…. Continue Reading →
In 2022, Boston’s Age Strong Commission awarded small grants to 16 nonprofit organizations working to build social connections for Boston’s older adults. For guidance in shaping the Creating Community and Reducing Social Isolation grants, the commission turned to Caitlin Coyle,… Continue Reading →
Unlike many of her colleagues, Caitlin Coyle, PhD ’14, found the field of gerontology early in her studies. As an undergraduate at The Ohio State University, she assisted a doctoral candidate in health psychology with collecting data that was used… Continue Reading →
“The center has built a reputation of being the people who local communities turn to when they have questions about their aging population.” Caitlin Coyle, PhD, directorCenter for Social and Demographic Research on Aging, UMass Boston In 1998, when Carol… Continue Reading →
Caitlin Coyle, PhD ’14, has been appointed director of the Center for Social and Demographic Research on Aging (CSDRA) at UMass Boston’s Gerontology Institute. She succeeds Jan Mutchler, PhD, the center’s founding director. Mutchler was named director of the Gerontology… Continue Reading →
They are in their early 20s and entering their junior years at UMass Boston, with their whole careers waiting ahead of them. Yet in their work at UMass Boston’s Center for Social and Demographic Research on Aging, five undergraduate research… Continue Reading →
The trope about senior centers being the place you go for bingo and a hot lunch has been outdated for years, but especially so ever since the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Challenged to keep their communities of older people connected, informed,… Continue Reading →
In 2019, two residents of Swampscott, Massachusetts, contracted with UMass Boston gerontologist Caitlin Coyle, PhD, to guide their work in shaping age-friendly initiatives for their town. Coyle, an adjunct assistant professor and fellow of the Gerontology Institute, was struck by… Continue Reading →
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