In 2017, UMass Boston became the third American university to join the AFU Global Network. In 2019, the five-campus University of Massachusetts system became the first university system to join the network. How well do universities meet the needs of… Continue Reading →
Yung-Ping “Bing” Chen, professor emeritus of gerontology at UMass Boston, passed away on May 10, 2022. Widely recognized for his work on economic security for the aged, Bing Chen had a distinguished career in academia and as a government adviser…. Continue Reading →
Pam Nadash calls it “pure happenstance” that she landed as a faculty member in the UMass Boston gerontology department. But her career in nonprofits and public policy—combined with a PhD in public health and political science and her predilection for… Continue Reading →
UMass Boston gerontology faculty have awarded three doctoral students with annual departmental honors. The 2021-2022 school year honorees are: Book (Dissertation) Award: Meghan Hendricksen Scholarship Award: Shayna Gleason Service Award: Alison Rataj The Book Award Committee chose Meghan Hendricksen for… Continue Reading →
For most of his 23 years at UMass Boston, Jeffrey Burr, PhD, has worked as an administrator in addition to teaching and conducting research on aging issues. From the State University of New York at Buffalo, Burr came to campus… Continue Reading →
The Community Innovators Lab at Massachusetts Institute of Technology has appointed Marc Cohen, PhD, to its two-year Mel King Community Fellows Program. Cohen is a professor of gerontology at the University of Massachusetts Boston, co-director of the LeadingAge LTSS Center… Continue Reading →
For most of her research, Qian Song, PhD, has focused on the intersection of migration, families, institutional discrimination, and health. Primarily, she has pursued questions of how early life experiences create health disparities in later life. Currently, for example, she… Continue Reading →
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ action plan for creating an age-friendly state includes reframing aging as one of six goals. The plan seeks to “change the conversation about aging from a ‘challenge’ to an ‘asset,’ increase literacy about issues related to… Continue Reading →
Social scientist focuses on aging, family relationships, and health The COVID-19 pandemic has exaggerated—and brought greater awareness of—the challenges of social isolation for older adults. Jeffrey Stokes is interested in a related, and timeless, challenge: loneliness. For married older adults,… Continue Reading →
Editors note: This story was originally produced by the McCormack Graduate School and appeared on the UMass Boston News web pages. The study of aging and the practice of mentorship have many things in common – perhaps none more pronounced… Continue Reading →
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