Explore history, politics, art, and more topics as the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at UMass Boston offers online and in-person presentations and workshops this summer. The programs are free to OLLI members and prospective members, age 50 and older, on a first-come, first-served basis.
Some of the sessions are being offered through the OLLI at Dartmouth Summer Lecture Series, with a 2022 theme of “Addressing the Challenges to Our Democracy.” The series offers six online presentations by faculty from universities across the country.

Other featured presenters this summer include local community organizer and author Rahema Mooltry, LCSW, MEd, speaking on “How Systems of Oppression Impact Mental Health,” on Tuesday, June 28, 1:30–2:30 p.m. via Zoom. Mooltrey will explain how various forms of oppression contribute to mental health issues and suggest structural solutions to interrupt this cycle. Through her organization Radical Joy Inc., she provides self-care and social justice support to families, educators, social workers, medical care workers, and more. She is the author of How to be a Social Justice Advocate and was featured in the documentary Gaining Ground for her work with youth in the Roxbury community.
See all OLLI Summer Programs offerings
Members can register for the programs at the OLLI registration site. Nonmembers can write to the OLLI office [ollireg@gmail.com] with the titles of the programs you’d like to attend and the staff will register you. Please note the location of each program, because OLLI is offering both online and in-person learning opportunities. For online programs via Zoom, Zoom links and details will be sent out a day prior to each event.
About OLLI at UMass Boston
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UMass Boston is an inclusive, member-powered organization that offers educational and cultural programs to inspire adult learners ages 50+. Our non-credit courses are facilitated by volunteers with no homework, tests, or grades. The organization is funded by The Bernard Osher Foundation and is part of a nationwide network of 125 OLLI programs. At UMass Boston, OLLI is housed in the Gerontology Institute, a part of the McCormack Graduate School of Policy and Global Studies.
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